Wednesday, May 31, 2017

InstaWednesday Plus a June Challenge!

Because I love Instagram and sharing what we've been up to the last couple weeks...

Can live be busy and slow at the same time? lol Goodness it's been a whirlwind couple of weeks.  PS there's a link at the bottom. I'm hosting a bookish instagram challenge in June. Hope you'll join us!

When you realize you have a mouse-sibling for the first time. 
#herdboy #HerdMouse
(the cats are actually really good about their mouse-siblings)

Contemplating world domination...

Velma girl had a vet visit. She did fabulous and the vet said she was perfect if a little too well loved. #NoFatShaming #JustWellLoved #AndPerfect

This is one of my favorite series.  Anyone else? I just love Eve. She's probably my favorite heroine, too.  I've loved watching her grow over the series and form friendships and fall in love. To keep kicking ass on the job but find a little balance in life, too. Even if Roarke has to give her a nudge push now and again.

Turns out a lot of my books have bar/pub owners or bartenders in them. Or wineries. Hrms. lol And that's not counting my ebooks. 

Thought this was kinda perfect for today's lettering challenge prompt. The Maker's Squad. Of course I had to do my own little twist on that and sass my lettering up.

So. Monday. We meet again.
It was totally a Monday seeing as how I managed to forget my &.

I left her overnight and when I got home she was all omg I need all the snuggles!!!! I NEED THEM NOW!!!!!!

Firemen, police and military men. Sign me up. lol Our town had a safety event and the USO went out. It was rather fun. They had police dogs, police horses, Marines, firemen, a cute obstacle course where kids could dress up like firemen and put out fake fires, food trucks, a strongman competition between the police and firemen. It was a hoot.

Human. Step away from the book. It's time to pay attention to me. -BabyG

Honestly y'all. lol

And. Tuesday. Let's do this.

Thought this fit my current read πŸ“š since the heroine is a swindler and kinda scammed the hero a while back. Oops!

And man it is not easy sassifying some of these prompts but I think I managed okay on this one. lol πŸ˜‚

The rain is never going to end... 

Lordy. Next, please!

In my renewed efforts to not live in hell I'm cleaning, purging, organizing.
I spent an afternoon emptying my kitchen cabinets and rearranging.
Got rid of a shit ton of dishes, too.

Come join us!!! If you're a reader near Cary, NC a couple of us are doing a "Silent Book Club"

Basically it's a twist on a regular book club. The twist get together to READ! Any book you want. Everyone brings their own choice.

We're meeting at Bond Park June 10th at 9am at the boat house. Then will pick a spot and everyone can for 30-45 minutes. Then we can all visit after and chat about books in general or what we read and have snacks. 
Perfect for those who want to be social but also...just want to be left alone to read. lol 

-- bring your book
-- bring a picnic blanket to lounge on or a chair ( there are options there, too, but in case we want to move around)
-- bring your favorite snack/drink or breakfast!

Let me know if you'd like to join us!

More of the #DontLiveInHell effort. My shower head has been leaking for a couple months. It was like 15 years old so...okay.

So I ordered this flat rain shower head from Amazon and it was supposed to be SO easy and after my third accidental shower, it still leaking horribly (worse than the one it replaced), not being able to get the seller I finally threw it away and went to Bed Bath and Beyond and bought this one. And installed it within 10 minutes leak free. Hallelujah!

It's an AMAZING shower now. omg so good.

Catching up on book challenge prompts and it was like... Black and white spines. πŸ“– Yeah. I got your black and white spines. ::snort:: πŸ˜‚

Life of a blogger. lol I do love all my pretties 😍even if they lack a little in the colorful chaos department. how we read. lol #MyCatReadsSmut
Yall. My herd is needy.

When you were pulled in by the pretty and never thought about all the hand washing. And this was only half of them. lol #YoungMeHadGreatTasteTho

I love freebies! Anyone else? Picked all this up this weekend for free. 🍴 ❤πŸŽ†πŸŽ 

Kroger does a freebie Friday where you load a free item each Friday to your reward card then have 2 weeks to claim. Got the almond creamer and crackers that way. Love me some Silk but haven't tried their creamer yet. The Ritz crackers look good, too. 

Plus a random free tea coupon on their site. I really like it. First time trying it and it's nice. Not too sweet.

The peas and chips were rewards coupons with Kroger as well for having a kroger loyalty card.

Harris Teeter offers a freebie with their VIC card, too. Got the pasta that way 🍝

The treats were a random free coupon in the mail. The herd cats were flipping out. 😻😺 And the wristlet was from ACMoore with my purchase on Sat. Woo! πŸ–ŒπŸ–

Just a kitten and her bunny. ❤😺🐰

A little cat tv while I clean the #HerdMouse tank. I saw two of the babies. 

Details HERE!

If you do a photo post on your blog, FB, etc feel free to link yourself in :)

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