Monday, July 3, 2017

Memes! New Books, Life Changing Reads, and Waiting on Wednesday!

There's a whole slew of memes in this post so you might have to scroll down just a little to get to the one you're looking for. 😸

Another week over! I'm feeling pretty tired after June. I got an amazing amount done but really all I want to do now is nap. lol I'm still trying to keep my spending under control and working on projects around the house. Nothing too woohoo exciting but stuffs getting done and I'm enjoying the lowkey vibe of the week. Watching some NCIS. Eating some donuts. Getting ready for Independence Day. Got a few new book arrivals which was exciting :)

New Review Books

I got a few review books from Grand Central! Yay!
I've enjoyed all three authors and am looking forward to continuing these series. 

The Playboy Bachelor by Rachel Van Dyken
Here Comes the Bride by Hope Ramsay
Hard Justice by April Hunt

And some planning for the week. Keeping my layout simple and light this week.

(covers link to Amazon)
A Beautiful Poison was my Amazon Prime free pick for July.


And all three of these were free. Yep, I'm trying to keep my no spend thing going into July :D I've read OKeefe and love her books. The others are all new to me.

What I'm Reading/Just Finished!

This past week was all about catching up with Rachel Caine. I'd started Paper and Fire back before it released last year but my mood was wrong so I stopped.
I re-read half of it this week then finished the second half and loved it.

I started Ash and Quill yesterday.
It's kind of neat being in a new location for this group.
Unfortunately they've left one crisis for another crisis.
It's SO good, though!

While TTT is on hiatus I'm joining in on the Book Blogger Hop hosted by Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer 
Name a book that changed your life.
One for the Money by Janet Evanovich.

It's an incredibly silly read/series that follows a female bounty hunter who as a knack for getting cars blown up and having endless blunders and her two potential love interests. #TeamRanger

It's not a book that will change the world but it DID get me hooked on reading.
And that really did change my life.

Why I'm Waiting:  Because It's Rachel Caine and this trilogy is phenomenal. I just love the whole concept. Can't wait to see how things end up. I'm about 1/4th into the book and so far pretty good! It's out next week! Woo!
Hoarding all the knowledge of the world, the Great Library jealously guards its secrets. But now a group of rebels poses a dangerous threat to its tyranny....

Jess Brightwell and his band of exiles have fled London, only to find themselves imprisoned in Philadelphia, a city led by those who would rather burn books than submit. But Jess and his friends have a bargaining chip: the knowledge to build a machine that will break the Library’s rule.

Their time is running out. To survive, they’ll have to choose to live or die as one, to take the fight to their enemies—and to save the very soul of the Great Library....

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