Them: *looks at new release* You wouldn't like this book. It's not your kind of read. It's not erotica.
Me: <stares in silence>
Me: Bitch, please. I read that years before you knew it existed.

A few years back a couple urban fantasy series-- Ilona Andrews and Patricia Briggs-- started having a resurgence in the blogging world.
And this convo? Lordy. I've had it a few times since with other bloggers and readers and it ticks me off every time. Honestly!
I read these way back before the blog. Before they were mega popular and everyone was reading them-- including the ones who say this in my direction. So it's hard not to roll ones eyes. I get it over YA, mystery and such as well.
Especially at the tacked on... it's not erotica.
Know how many erotic books I've read this year (out of 80)?
*whispers* Five.Know how many books I've read this year with no sex in them this year?
*whispers* Ten. (more if you count close door)
Yeah, I started a book club called the Kinkery. And, yeah, I run a yearly erotic romance challenge. And like sexy pics. But that's about it. I do love erotic romance but I just don't read a TON of it or post it to the blog. Erotica I read even LESS often. So kind of funny (not in a haha) way, really, to have that used against me by other romance bloggers.
Things I DON'T Read

- If someone goes oh this is M/M you won't want it...they'd be right. I don't read those and have said so many times.
- ...oh it's horror...not your thing. Hell right that's not my thing. I'm a fucking pansy! I've said this! lol
- Cheaters? Nope! (said it dozens of times)
But, yall, that's pretty much it for my list of "won't read ems".
- Reporters & Secret Babies. These aren't a hard limit. I just don't love em or seek them out.
I try to never say this at people unless I KNOW it's something they won't dig. My friend Tonya for example? I'll steer her away from BDSM. It's not her jam. Nikkie? Doesn't like first person so a 'not for you' wouldn't be uncalled for. Ya know?
What's in my reading collection?
Other than romance (which is my current fave)
I cut my reading teeth on Urban Fantasy. That's ALL I read back in the day. Some of the newer authors I haven't tried because I burned myself out a pre-blog but I do still pick them up now and again.
Mystery? Heck yes! I devoured all of the Sue Grafton books years ago when I found her. And grabbed whatever I could find. What am I getting for my birthday? The entire M. C. Beaton collect from my mom. 😺
Historical fiction...yeah. I'm good doing them, too.
I've done some YA and NA over the years as well.
Thrillers, Christian Fiction, Bizzaro? Um...yep.
As far as romance? I love it all. From completely innocent and PG to full out filthy kink. It's all equal to me.
Anywho. It just kinda irks me hard when people try to put me in a certain category and throw It's not YOUR kind of book at me. Obviously they don't know me. It's a bit condescending, too, yeah? I've stopped socializing with a few readers/bloggers who kept saying things like this even when I corrected them. It irks me that bad. lol
On a side note and what pushed me to finish this post was a FB friend. I'd posted this pic of my bedroom skinny shelf and it made her laugh. She wasn't being rude just liked my combo shelf but it sparked the discussion topic in my head.

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