Monday, August 14, 2017

Memes! New Reads--COWBOYS!!-- and WOW

I wanted to meme. And only had one weekly post to do it. So there's a whole lotta memeage happening in this post. You might have to scroll down a bit to get the one you're looking for. 😸

Yall. It's been a week. Between getting ready for my trip, my eyes going troublesome, the freezer getting delivered and getting my hair cut...I'm tired. lol And way behind on my reading. *flails* yall *flails* I'll probably be slow on blog visits and such-- my eyes just can't take the screen time-- but hang in with me, please! Once I get back from my trip and get my eye appointment behind me I'll give back in the swing of things. :)

I took it easy on new additions. I'm reading real slow right now so behaving ;)

For Review
I didn't take on any new review books but I did receive one --My Fair Lover by Nicole Jordan-- for review consideration. I've enjoyed others from the series so will likely read it. Plus it comes out on my birthday. 

I bought one freebie-- Karma by KT Fisher. It was pretty and I like MC books and it had been on my wishlist :)

I won Owl and the Japanese Circus from Braine over at Talk Supe. Woots! Thanks to Braine and Kristi. It's signed and lovely. Can't wait to read it. 

Currently Reading
I'm still reading The Corner of Forever and Always. Yes. An entire week. I've not finished a single book. I think that's the first time that's ever happened. It's cute. Nothing wrong with it. Just taking me forever since life is so busy and my eyes wear out really fast these days. But almost done. 

Host: Broke & Bookish

Top Ten: Books for Cowboy Lovers!

If you've been around the blog you know I have a thing for cowboys.

There are SO many variations and all so dang lickable. From over the top cheeky/silly to very serious. Contemporary, erotic, historical. Very slow paced to edge of your seat. Some ranchers, some Southern Boys, some actual cowboys and farmers. Cowboy hybrids that are lawyers and military men, too. Noms! If you have questions about any of them let me know!

Against the Wall by Rebecca Zanetti (Amazon | Goodreads)
Branded by Laura Wright (AmazonGoodreads)
Down Home, Cowboy by Maisey Yates (AmazonGoodreads)
Flirting with Texas by Katie Lane (AmazonGoodreads)

Healing a Heart by Amy Lillard (AmazonGoodreads)
Maverick by Lisa Bingham (AmazonGoodreads)
Rough Rider by Victoria Vane (AmazonGoodreads)
The Drifter by Anna Schmidt (AmazonGoodreads)


Tougher in Texas by Kari Lynn Dell (AmazonGoodreads)
True-Blue Cowboy Christmas by Nicole Helm (AmazonGoodreads)
Trouble with Texas Cowboys by Carolyn Brown (AmazonGoodreads)

Host: Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer

Question: When you enter an unfamiliar house or apartment for the first time, do you feel disappointed if you don't see any bookshelves, or books on the coffee table?
A: I don't know about disappointment but I'd really think something was wrong with them. lol Who doesn't have books somewhere? No one I need to know. That's for sure. 

Why I'm Waiting: McKenna is an amazing author and I've loved this series. It's not an MC series just a group of friends that ride bikes. She always has such unique characters and they're insanely sexy. I didn't realize this one was actually going to happen so pretty excited about it. This is out Sept 19.
Jeremiah Church is still aching for justice to be served after his father’s murder. Though the killer has been caught, the authorities are no closer to knowing why the Churches were targeted—and if the family’s still at risk. When Miah receives an anonymous letter hinting at a darker conspiracy, he decides it's high time he seeks justice on his own terms, with the help of his fellow Desert Dogs.

Patrol Deputy Nicki Ritchey is new to Fortuity, and hoping to make a clean start for her and her son. Involved in the Church’s case, she's kindled a friendship with Miah that's evolving into something more. But Miah is crossing lines with his personal vendetta, and Nicki’s attraction is making it tough to tell right from wrong…

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