Wednesday, December 27, 2017

4 stars-- Wolf Hunger (SWAT #7) by Paige Tyler

I don't read paranormal much these days. I totally burnt myself out on it pre-blog. But there are two exceptions. Jennifer Ashley and Paige Tyler. Damn but these ladies can write!

Tyler and her SWAT werewolves...yes! So good, yall.

So this scene things are getting steamy between the two and I had to bust out laughing. Totally tickled me.

She needed him. In her mouth. Now. 

But as she was about to leap at him, Max pulled a condom from a box in the nightstand and turned back for the bed. He let out a low growl when he saw she'd moved from the position he'd left her and very quickly demonstrated he had no problem spinning her right back around.

Head down, butt up. Go, caveman!

Wolf Hunger was all kinds of werewolfy deliciousness. It sure was. 
The Gist: Max? Well he's found The One. The one woman meant to be his mate. Problem is Max is a werewolf. And he's fallen for Lana...who has no clue she's actually a werewolf, too. Hell of a thing, right? Not to mention the fact that there's a group hunting her. Yeah, Max has his hands full that's for sure. 
Love hit these two hard and fast. Once you find The One...that's it. You're done and it's over. Nekkid shenanigans ensue and, well, everything else, too. I kinda like how the guys are they're all woo! got me a woman! lol Max and Lana were easy to like. Kind, thoughtful, dedicated to what they do and the people around them. It was easy to fall in and root for them.

And, woo! The sexy moments. Yeah, they're nice. But there are also incredibly sweet and intimate moments as they spend time together, too. They just clicked and it was lovely. 

Now, the action. Lordy! Yes. There's a lot going that they have to contend with. SWAT cases Max and his team are called on not to mention the issue of Hunters tracking and killing werewolves and having Lana in their sights. It could be hard to watch and was very emotional as a case dredges up trauma from Max's past.

Lots of action with the Hunters and one of Max's work cases that's similar to his life growing up. Hard to watch and emotional on both counts as they deal with all the chaos around them. 

All in all...amazing paranormal romance. Paige is on fire with this series! Amazing heroes and heroines, heart stopping suspense and romances that'll make a girl sigh. 

*PS-- I'd say at this point it's best to read in order. They really do build on one another as far as the background storyline goes. 

When SWAT Officer Max Lowry meets Lana Mason, he falls fast and hard. He’s positive she’s The One. And Max’s favorite part? Lana’s a wolf shifter too, so they can skip the awkward reveal and head straight to the happily ever after. There’s just one problem: Lana doesn’t know that she’s a werewolf.

To make matters worse, hunters with intent to kill have tracked Lana to Dallas. Max has to figure out how to keep Lana safe, show her who and what she really is—and just how much she means to him.

Amazon | Goodreads | Tyler on HCBS
*covers link to Amazon

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