Monday, February 12, 2018

4 stars-- More or Less a Marchioness (The Somerset Sisters #1) by Anna Bradley

Oh my goodness. These two were a delightful handful!
The Gist: The hero done fucked up. Fucked up right good. And found himself jilted. Not once. But twice. By the same girl! And man that'll get under a guy's skin. It sure will. He's gonna have to do something about it, too. To protect her from ruin, of course. Nothing else. He's absolutely not falling in love with the chit. No, ma'am!

Oh, these two. Yes, Iris and Finn were a handful every which way you looked at them. And I enjoyed them thoroughly.

  • Finn had a hard childhood and grew into a a man who hides his emotions completely. He's proper yet cold and nothing gets to him. Or so he'd like everyone to assume. But under that indifferent exterior he's an upstanding man with a penchant for things on the naughty side and an incredibly soft heart. 
  • And Iris is quite the lady. She's sweet, intelligent, has a daring side she keeps hidden and this girl is no wilting flower. She has a bit of steel in her and she'll be damned before she falls in line and marries this man like expected. Nope. She ain't doing it. I loved that she stood up for herself despite the consequences. 
And really. They really don't suit.

They don't.

But they SO do! They were quite perfect for each other and both rather similar in some ways. They put on a proper show for others and kept their true feelings tightly reined in...until they couldn't that is.
"You're everything I never knew I wanted, and everything I can't live without."
I loved that most of the story took place at a house party. And that he spent so much of the book completely baffled by Iris and her refusal to marry him. He's a flipping Marquess for goodness sake! It was fun watching him struggle with his emotions and falling for her. And her falling right back. Their little battle of wills and time spent at the party. The romance isn't in your face romancey since most of the time they're at odds but really it was still an amazing romance that had me rooting for them.

All in all, Bradley did it once again. The lady seriously excels at giving a girl some charmingly fucked up characters who give no damns and make you fall for them completely. They're nicely broken... just enough to be interesting yet endearing. I call that a win.
For the sake of propriety, and her younger sisters’ reputations, Iris Somerset has kept her rebellious streak locked away. But though she receives a proposal from Phineas Knight, Lord of Huntington, Iris can’t marry a man she knows isn’t truly enamored with her. In fact, Iris no longer wants to be chosen—she wants to choose. Under the clandestine tutelage of “wicked widow” Lady Annabel Tallant, she’ll learn how to steer her own marriage prospects—and discover her secret appetites.

What kind of debutante refuses a marquess? Finn is surprised, a little chastened—and thoroughly intrigued. This new, independent version of Iris is far more alluring than the polished socialite she used to be. Finn believed he needed a safe, quiet wife to curb his wilder impulses. But the more Iris surprises him, the more impossible it becomes to resist their deepest desires.

Amazon | Goodreads | Bradley on HCBS

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