Friday, March 16, 2018

[memes] I Need MORE Books (my Spring wishlist) + this week's reading

I wanted to meme. And only had one weekly post to do it. So there's a whole lotta memeage happening in this post. You might have to scroll down a bit to get the one you're looking for. 😸

Well. This week. Whew. We had snow. Again. But it's already gone and we're back to 60 during the day, 20s at night. Eh. I guess I'll take it. lol 

Nothing too major this week, really. I've opted to log out of social media which has been very nice. I set posts to go live for work and blog and just ignored it during the day for the most part. Spent maybe 20 minutes online each day which is CRAZY since my social media is usually open 12+hours a day for work/blog things. I'm going to do so more often, I think. Other than that I had the food pantry, couponed and just putzed around. It wasn't horrible. lol One of the kitties is making me nervous but she's eating again so we'll see. This weekend's job is giving her a bath. Yall. Pray for me. lol

I accepted two on from NG since I liked the 1st in series. Cowboy SEAL Redemption is good so far. It's all about a group of injured SEALs coming home and building a retreat for injured military and dealing with PTSD as well. 

The One You Can't Forget is probably next up. It's about a group that survived the first school shooting and a decade later they're coming home for interviews and dealing with the past. 


For review consideration I had a handful that showed up on the doorstep. 

Bound for Eden by Tess LeSue
Cowboy Bold by Carolyn Brown
Total Bravery by Piper J Drake

Be A Good Girl by Tess Diamond
How the Cowboy Was Won by Lori Wilde

I won Baby, I'm Howling For You from Debbie over at The Reading Frenzy. Woots! Thanks, Debbie! It's been AGES since I read Warren so I'm looking forward to it. 

A light reading week but a good one. Both have been on my review pile since they released. Yeah, it's been YEARS. I'm working on fixing that. lol So read Vampire Most Wanted (Edelweiss, I have 1 left) and Revenant (NG, I have 7 left)

I enjoyed both quite a bit. Carnies and vampires in hiding with Sands. Angels, demons, false angels, disguises, a cocky pissed off 5000+ year old hero from Ione. Good times were had. 

I'll finish this one today most likely. It's very good (about halfway through)

Breaking Up with Barrett by Katy Regnery
Midnight Games by Elle Kennedy

hosted by: That Artsy Reader Girl

Top Ten: Books On My Spring TBR
*March 20-June 21


  • How to Forget a Duke-- Her characters are so dang sassy. Plus that cover!
  • Cowboy Bold-- My last Brown was a disaster. I'm hoping to get back to normal with her.
  • Total Bravery-- Showed up on the doorstep and I'm game
  • Cowboy SEAL Redemption-- LOVED the first one. SEALs coming home wounded and starting a sanctuary ranch. I'm reading this one now. 
  • The One You Can't Forget-- Interesting contemp series surrounding kids who survived the first school shooting. 

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