Monday, November 19, 2018

[4.5 stars] Whiskey River Rescue (Whiskey River #1) by Justine Davis

Note: I accidentally deleted 6 months of the blog so this is a repost. All comments on the original posts were unfortunately lost. Sorry! 

Oh my! Whiskey River Rescue was quite the surprise! Starting with the hero tearing down the heroine's house. Without telling her. Yall!

I was sitting over here going someone needs to die.

I really was.

But the house tearing down jerk...he managed to win me over completely and leave me crying. The hell?!! lol

The Gist: Kelsey is having a shitstorm of a day. Starting with the land she rents being sold and then her house being torn down leaving her AND her rescue horses... homeless. All blame lands on one` crazy man. The town recluse. And that man's about to get an earful, too. Because, seriously?!!
Ha! Kelsey was awesome. She has the most generous heart and kind spirit. She rescues abandoned horses and brings them back to life. She gives everything she is to her horses and often goes without so they don't have to. She's strong, brave and just a good woman. And "Crazy Joe"? Lord. I thought I was gonna need to hurt a man. But this one. Well he has so many hidden depths and damaged pieces it was impossible not to fall for him completely and want to fix all his hurts.

Their romance was fun. And fiery. Oh man. Yeah, there are fireworks of ALL kinds between them. It's not always easy. Sometimes the things they deal with are ugly and painful but goodness it was wonderful.

Whiskey River Rescue was one of my favorite reads this year. It could have used just a smidge more editing but honestly that was my only complaint. Emotional, rich, full of passion. Whiskey River Rescue is one you need to try!

Still reeling from the unexpected sale of the land she and her horses live on, horse rescuer Kelsey Blaine is frantic when she comes home to find her possessions already boxed up and her house being bulldozed without any notice. Normally calm and kind, Kelsey becomes furious and impulsively cuts a privacy fence to confront the culprit–her mysterious neighbor, Joe.

Joe Kilcoyne is in a desperate place. He guards his secrets and hides from the world for a reason. He's the hottest topic of speculation around Whiskey River, but no one has ever dared to get close to him. That is, until fiery Kelsey comes barging straight into his life.

The last thing Joe needs is for Kelsey to breach his defenses and make him confront his past. But when her sunny, open, and determined personality collide with a haunted man with no idea how to reconnect with the world, the sparks that ignite shock them both.

**Free at time of posting!**
Amazon | Goodreads | Davis on HCBS
*covers link to Amazon

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