Monday, December 31, 2018

The Monthly Herd-- December-- Oh my word. 2018 is over!

Ohmahgawd! How can it be the last day of 2018?!! That is just not real. lol

December was a whirlwind. I didn't end up getting to see my mom (she got sick) but it was still a pretty good month.

2019 SIGN UP-- Try Something New Challenge

Ack! I forgot a challenge post for one I'll be hosting. Try Something New Challenge! I love this one. There are so many new things to read.

New-to-You authors
Debut books
First in series
A new trope
or a new genre
A new type of character
a new format

So many options.

It's super simple. Decide how many "new" types of books you'd like to read then...get to reading!

Saturday, December 29, 2018

Best Books of 2018!

2018 was a weird reader-blogger year for me. In February-ish I decided I wasn't going to take review books anymore. Or at least drastically reduce them. I went from doing 95% review books to maybe 5% review books.

It was the best decision I've made in a long while.

Friday, December 28, 2018

[memes] Christmas Goodies?! + my week in books

I wanted to meme. And only had one weekly post to do it. So there's a whole lotta memeage happening in this post. You might have to scroll down a bit to get the one you're looking for. 😸

So. Christmas week. Yall. Christmas was fine. Nothing too exciting but a nice day.

The herd is fine. Nothing too exciting but doing good even if naughty. lol

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Monday, December 24, 2018

4 stars-- Saving the Sheriff (Three River Ranch #3.5) by Roxanne Snopek

Oh my gosh. So cute. Like, seriously, so flipping cute! Saving the Sheriff... total warm Christmas fuzzies. Yall!
The Gist: Sometimes a girl has to kidnap a herd of reindeer while dressed as an elf. And sometimes the Universe has a merry laugh and she winds up in a snowbank and being rescued by the town's sheriff who's name is Rudolph. Yeah.

Friday, December 21, 2018

[memes] Christmas Wish List +my week in books

I wanted to meme. So there's a whole lotta memeage happening in this post. You might have to scroll down a bit to get the one you're looking for. 😸

Whew this week. And almost the end of the year. Yikes!

  • I had my last shift of the year at the food pantry. It was busy but went well. 
  • I got way into 2019 prep. And it was kinda exciting? I've been tackling my e-life. Purging files, bookmarks, emails.
  • And prepping the house. Cleaning, organizing, purging. Cooking. I've been loving it. lol

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

The Christmas Bear Brothers by Harmony Raines


A trio of bears! At Christmas! Yes, please! #ThingsThatAreMyCatnip

The Christmas Bear Brothers series is all about three brother bears. Bachelors. But not by choice. They want a change. They want their mates! Dang it! Where are their mates! Alas, they'll spend yet another Christmas working --a cop, a fireman and an EMT-- so coworkers can spend time with their families. Unless Fate steps in...

Monday, December 17, 2018

The House on Main Street (Apple Valley #1) by Shirlee McCoy

I am such a sucker for a pretty house and a winter wonderland. Basically, The House on Main Street was all OMG Anna! You neeeeed me!
The Gist: Tessa's found herself back in her small hometown--the last place she wants to be-- caring for her young nephew after her sister's death and cleaning up all of the messes she left behind. Not to mention coming face to face with her childhood crush? Well. It's a lot for a girl to handle on a good day.

Friday, December 14, 2018

[memes] Winter Reads, Blogging + my week in books

I wanted to meme. And only had one weekly post to do it. So there's a whole lotta memeage happening in this post. 😸

Ahhhhh can the week be over now? lol
  • We got a LOT of snow for our area. 6 inches, then hours of rain then 2 more inches. It was gorgeous and chilly and thankfully melted pretty quickly. Only a few areas of snow still left on the ground. 
  • Food pantry and USO went well! 

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

3.5 stars-- A Tall, Dark Cowboy Christmas (Gold Valley #4) by Maisey Yates

Christmas and grumbly cowboys? Yes, please! lol

A Tall, Dark Cowboy Christmas was a heart touching romance that had me wiping away some pesky tears, laughing, and rooting for two damaged yet strong individuals.
The Gist: Grant's found a woman sleeping in an abandoned cabin on his property. Turns out she's homeless and a bit prickly. Suits him just fine since he's a bit of an asshole, too. Might be they're exactly what the other needs to soften some of those sharp edges.

Monday, December 10, 2018

4 stars-- Cowboy SEAL Christmas (Navy SEAL Cowboys #3) by Nicole Helm

Sometimes the ones with the biggest smiles are the ones hiding the most hurt and pain. Cowboy SEAL Christmas tugged at the heart, yall. Whew boy!
The Gist: Gabe is not fond of therapists. That the foundation he's co-building to help military veterans has an on site therapist..irksome to say the least. That she's got a cool kid and is a great mom and is scorching hot...yeah. Color him real annoyed. And, dammit, tempted. Even if she's all about Christmas cheer and he's got a whole Grinch thing going on. lol

Friday, December 7, 2018

[quote-tastic] Her Cowboy Billionaire Best Friend (Christmas in Coral Canyon #1) by Liz Isaacson

So a quote today that made me smile. Graham and Laney are a bit older than the typical romance hero and heroine (in their 40s) and they're really rather hesitant and shy about starting things up. Something about that to me is just so dang sweet.

[memes] Snowed In! + my week in books

I wanted to meme. And only had one weekly post to do it. So there's a whole lotta memeage happening in this post. You might have to scroll down a bit to get the one you're looking for. 😸

Well we made it to Friday. Can we leave it at that? lol

The Home Front
  • Lots of house work, organizing, purging. Made a little progress.
  • The food pantry was slow but lots of shelving was done so a good thing
  • I had a moment and put a huge dent in both passenger doors on the new car. It's bad. It was stupid. And will cost me. Blerg! But it drives and I'm fine.
  • I went to a Menorah Lighting which was interesting.

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

3.5 stars-- Secretly Smitten (Smitten #2) Anthology

Secretly Smitten was full of romance as a trio of sisters and their mother find love while trying to solve a decades old mystery involving their grandmother and her beau who was killed in the war--but might have survived somehow.

Monday, December 3, 2018

3 stars-- Emergency Engagement (Love Emergency, #1) by Samanthe Beck

Beck is so fun. Christmas, a fake romance, a sexy EMT? Oh lordy, yes, please!
The Gist: It's Christmas and Beau's parents? Well, they've just found him in his neighbor's bedroom coping a feel. I mean, that's what they think they've found (it's totally not) and they're..ecstatic! And Beau decides to ask his neighbor-- who's a stranger-- if she'll, you know, be his fake fiance for the holidays just to ease their minds a little more.

Saturday, December 1, 2018

[memes] Warm Winter Fuzzies! +my week in books

I wanted to meme. And only had one weekly post to do it. So there's a whole lotta memeage happening in this post. You might have to scroll down a bit to get the one you're looking for. 😸

Friday, November 30, 2018

The Monthly Herd-- November-

November is a wrap! How? I know we say this every month but how is it already December?! That's unreal. 

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Blog All About It --TRUTH

This Month's Prompt

I wasn't sure what I was going to do with this month's prompt. Share some truths about my life? Eh. I'm fairly open about everything already, right? 

But then I had this lyric get stuck in my head and I thought...yeah lets do that!

This song. I don't know. I like it.
all I need is you
Three chords and the truth. 
It's a great video, too. Rice decided to surprise a fan with a guitar. Music changed his life and he wanted to do the same for a kid that could really use it and picked a little guy who has a bunch of medical issues. It was sweet.

4 stars-- Hot Winter Nights (Heartbreaker Bay #6) by Jill Shalvis

Hot Winter Nights was so dang fun. And had some good snort-worthy moments. I do love when characters get a little bashful and when creative terminology is tossed about...

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Insta-August (erm, yeah)

Note: I accidentally deleted 6 months of the blog so this is a repost. All comments on the original posts were unfortunately lost. Sorry!

Because I love Instagram and sharing what we've been up to the last couple weeks...

So, yeah, I've not done an Insta(Wednesday) in months. MONTHS. I don't know what happened. lol But I'm gonna start posting those again I think. So InstaPictures from August!

Sunday, November 25, 2018

3.5 stars-- Snowed in with the Cowboy (Gold Valley #3.5) by Maisey Yates

Note: I accidentally deleted 6 months of the blog so this is a repost. All comments on the original posts were unfortunately lost. Sorry!

Christmas, a winter storm, one hot sexy cowboy who you've been lusting after for years aaaaand...getting snowed in with said cowboy at a small town lodge? Christmas wish come true!
The hitch? Well, that cowboy and that cowgirl are step siblings who've been secretly hung up on each other since forever. And, sweet Mary, what would their siblings and mom think if they gave in and had their way with each other?!! Erms!

Friday, November 23, 2018

[memes] Best Platonic Relationships + my week in books

[Note: I accidentally deleted 6 months of the blog so this is a repost. All comments on the original posts were unfortunately lost. Sorry!]

I wanted to meme. And only had one weekly post to do it. So there's a whole lotta memeage happening in this post. You might have to scroll down a bit to get the one you're looking for. 😸

So a lot of books happened this week. That's about it. lol 

I had off from the USO and food pantry and had no other commitments. So I read a lot and did a lot of planning and worked outside. That's about it.

Thanksgiving happened and that was low key, too. I don't usually do much for it but did decide to cook this year and do some yummy things. 

I wound up making... Za'atar encrusted grilled Halloumi, stuffed sweet potato, balsamic roasted veggies, mac & cheese and cornbread and a chocolate cream pie. Spent a total of like 8 bucks thanks to couponing. $4 of that was the dang cheese. But it was delicious and oh my word I'm stuffed. Still. The herd had a wet food feast, too. And I pet sat the pup next door which is always fun.

Thursday, November 22, 2018

3.5 stars-- Instant Attraction (Wilder #1) by Jill Shalvis

Note: I accidentally deleted 6 months of the blog so this is a repost. All comments on the original posts were unfortunately lost. Sorry!

Jill Shalvis! Yay! I've been binge reading her backlist this year and that included trying the Wilder siblings who own an outdoor adventure business.

This gave me a laugh. Damn, indeed!

Monday, November 19, 2018

[4.5 stars] Whiskey River Rescue (Whiskey River #1) by Justine Davis

Note: I accidentally deleted 6 months of the blog so this is a repost. All comments on the original posts were unfortunately lost. Sorry! 

Oh my! Whiskey River Rescue was quite the surprise! Starting with the hero tearing down the heroine's house. Without telling her. Yall!

I was sitting over here going someone needs to die.

I really was.

But the house tearing down jerk...he managed to win me over completely and leave me crying. The hell?!! lol

The Gist: Kelsey is having a shitstorm of a day. Starting with the land she rents being sold and then her house being torn down leaving her AND her rescue horses... homeless. All blame lands on one` crazy man. The town recluse. And that man's about to get an earful, too. Because, seriously?!!

Friday, November 16, 2018

[memes] Thank You Sweet Baby Jesus and all The Little Archangels for These Lickable Heroes.

Note: I accidentally deleted 6 months of the blog so this is a repost. All comments on the original posts were unfortunately lost. Sorry!

I wanted to meme. And only had one weekly post to do it. So there's a whole lotta memeage happening in this post. You might have to scroll down a bit to get the one you're looking for. 😸

This week went by pretty quickly. We had a ton of rain that just would not end, I don't know that we saw the sun even once and had our first freeze. So...that was fun. lol

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

4 stars-- Fatal Frost (Dewberry Farm #2) by Karen MacInerney

Note: I accidentally deleted 6 months of the blog so this is a repost. All comments on the original posts were unfortunately lost. Sorry! 

Nice mysteries, interesting set up, great narration. Fatal Frost was a fantastic time.
The Gist: Someone is intent on being a Grinch. The ladies in town are receiving nasty letters accusing them of all kinds of things and two of those ladies, well, they wind up dead. Even worse? One of Lucy's good friends is being accused of the murders.

Monday, November 12, 2018

2 stars-- Royal Date (The Royals of Monterra, #1) by Sariah Wilson

Note: I accidentally deleted 6 months of the blog so this is a repost. All comments on the original posts were unfortunately lost. Sorry!

Eh. If you've watched a Hallmark movie with a royal family you basically know the gist of Royal Date. Poor heroine on holiday catches a Prince's eye and then winds up hurt and taken under his wing for the holidays. He's smitten, she resists, the temptation of betraying him is presented, she breaks up with him yada yada. 

Saturday, November 10, 2018

SIGN UP-- 2019 Blog All About It Challenge

Note: I accidentally deleted 6 months of the blog so this is a repost. All comments on the original posts were unfortunately lost. Sorry! 

Blog All About It turned out to be one of my favorite challenges of 2018. It was a nice way to stretch my blogger wings and get some fun posts up so I decided to do it again!

Basically there's a word each month and any time during the month you can blog about that word. In any way you want. Review, recipe, photos, stories, etc

SIGN UP-- 2019 Blogger Shame Challenge

Note: I accidentally deleted 6 months of the blog so this is a repost. All comments on the original posts were unfortunately lost. Sorry! 

Blogger Shame Challenge. Yes! This one has been such a good challenge for me over the last couple years. It's helped me tame my review pile and lighten the stress of all those review books that were so far past their review date.
Basically, this is a way to cheekily catch up on review request copies that have been languishing on your review pile for at least 6 months and are way past due to the author or publisher.

They can be print, audio or ebooks.

SIGN UP-- 2019 All About the Trope Challenge

Note: I accidentally deleted 6 months of the blog so this is a repost. All comments on the original posts were unfortunately lost. Sorry! 

All About the Trope! I enjoyed this challenge as well. It's a little different in that you're tracking a trope instead of a genre. 

Pick your trope then many as you want. 

Examples of tropes:
--Enemies to lovers
--Best Friend's sibling
--Beauty & the beast (or other fairytales)
--Second Chance romance
--Best Friends to lovers
--Fake relationships

Friday, November 9, 2018

[memes] The Concert that Didn't Happen, Bookish Pretties + my week in books

Note: I accidentally deleted 6 months of the blog so this is a repost. All comments on the original posts were unfortunately lost. Sorry! 

 I wanted to meme. And only had one weekly post to do it. So there's a whole lotta memeage happening in this post. You might have to scroll down a bit to get the one you're looking for. 😸

Args! This week. It really wasn't so bad overall but ended with some disappointment. I planted a lot, noticed my lettuce and garlic coming up!, worked at the food pantry and did a lot of piddling around the house getting ready for a trip to Georgia for a concert.

Reading went well, too. Some fun reads by new and old authors.

Cleo wound up having a quick vet visit because she was feeling poorly and the vet found an infected tooth and crackly lungs. We think she aspirated some of her previous meds (she's a fighter) so she got a new med. 2 days later she's feeling SO much better, thankfully.

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

3.5 stars-- Want Me, Cowboy (Copper Ridge: Desire #5) by Maisey Yates

Note: I accidentally deleted 6 months of the blog so this is a repost. All comments on the original posts were unfortunately lost. Sorry! 

Cowboys and Christmas! Yall know that's my catnip. Want Me, Cowboy was delightful!

The Gist: Poppy and Isaiah have worked together for 10 years. And suddenly her boss decides he needs a wife and tasks her with putting an ad in the paper and...finding him one. Seeing she's been in love with him for a decade and wants to fill that position herself, well, yes, she's a spot fit to be tied.

These two were interesting!

Monday, November 5, 2018

3 stars-- Instant Temptation (Wilder #3) by Jill Shalvis

Note: I accidentally deleted 6 months of the blog so this is a repost. All comments on the original posts were unfortunately lost. Sorry!

Overall I enjoyed Instant Temptation! But, I did have some issues with a couple scenes that were really inappropriate.
The Gist: Well. Harley and TJ have some sparks. And some irritation with one another. Something he don't understand the source of. But he's going to find out even if he has to invite himself along on a multi day hike she's taking for work. They're gonna settle this. Even if they have to get nekkid to do so. Mmhm.

Sunday, November 4, 2018

SIGN UP-- Christmas Recipe Exchange!

Note: I accidentally deleted 6 months of the blog so this is a repost. All comments on the original posts were unfortunately lost. Sorry!

I love this event!

It's our take on the Christmas Card Exchange except...we send each other recipes!

Everyone will be matched up with 1-3 other people and then exchange cards/recipes we love. 
Sign up starts today and closes December 1st

You'll get your matches by December 3rd.

Saturday, November 3, 2018

[And So We Sing]- Yall. His Beard Game is Strong!

Note: I accidentally deleted 6 months of the blog so this is a repost. All comments on the original posts were unfortunately lost. Sorry!

Taking a little break from books and herd to...sing a little. 

I have been loving Jordan Davis. His songs are so catchy and lord! His beard game. It's strong. lol

Friday, November 2, 2018

[memes] Oh Those Backlists! Woo! +my week in books

Note: I accidentally deleted 6 months of the blog so this is a repost. All comments on the original posts were unfortunately lost. Sorry!

I wanted to meme. And only had one weekly post to do it. So there's a whole lotta memeage happening in this post. You might have to scroll down a bit to get the one you're looking for. 😸

Another week down. Goodness it's going too fast! This week was a mix. I had the USO which is always great. I skipped the food pantry, though. Cleo was having a hard afternoon Wednesday so I decided to stay home with her.

I'm continuing the whole plant mom thing and bought more. *hangs head* But what's gone in is looking good!

I couponed and cleaned and organized. Read and did Blog Ahead. I have SO many posts done. Some even out to December 2019! Yikes!

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

The Monthly Herd-- October-- Where there were ALL the things!

Note: I accidentally deleted 6 months of the blog so this is a repost. All comments on the original posts were unfortunately lost. Sorry!

Oh my October.

I gardened.
I volunteered.
I couponed.
I blogged.

And blogged some more!

[Blog All About It] My Trees

Note: I accidentally deleted 6 months of the blog so this is a repost. All comments on the original posts were unfortunately lost. Sorry!

This Month's Prompt

Ha! So when I was making up the prompts for the challenge I thought Fall! Trees! It would be beautiful! And then Fall was like eeeehhh I'm maybe not ready yet. Heh

But I thought I'd share my tree. We've known each other for almost 16 years. He's not the strongest of trees. But I just couldn't say...tear him out. So me and my tree we go through the years together.

So a year of my wee dogwood...

Monday, October 29, 2018

4 stars-- A Bone to Pick (Widow's Island #2) by Melinda Leigh

Note: I accidentally deleted 6 months of the blog so this is a repost. All comments on the original posts were unfortunately lost. Sorry!

Ooh yes. A Bone to Pick was a nice mystery that kept me guessing and left me even more curious about Widow's Island.
The Gist: An artist has been killed and naked paintings uncovered in his studio? Well they make for lots of potential suspects. They sure do.

Friday, October 26, 2018

[memes] Oh The Halloween Horrors! +my reading week

Note: I accidentally deleted 6 months of the blog so this is a repost. All comments on the original posts were unfortunately lost. Sorry!

I wanted to meme. And only had one weekly post to do it. So there's a whole lotta memeage happening in this post. You might have to scroll down a bit to get the one you're looking for. 😸

Oh this week. Yeah. It was a special one. lol
G's feelings about not being properly worshiped
this week. lol
  • I got a new laptop! My old one was having trouble staying charged and would suddenly die on me even when plugged in. Which made everything incredibly challenging. The new one is fine. It's a Dell Inspiron. We're getting to know each other still. lol Hopefully blogger-me will do better now that she has a reliable laptop!

Thursday, October 25, 2018

1 star-- Emergency Attraction (Love Emergency #3) by Samanthe Beck

Note: I accidentally deleted 6 months of the blog so this is a repost. All comments on the original posts were unfortunately lost. Sorry!

I've really enjoyed Beck's books and had such a good time with book one-- Emergency Engagement. And LOVED book two-- Emergency Delivery. It was one of my favorite reads this year.

Emergency Attraction and I, though? Well, yall, we did not get along. No, ma'am. We sure did not.

The Gist: It's been 10 years since things fell apart between Shane and Sinclair. He went off to join the Marines and by the time he was able to get in touch she decided she didn't want to hear from him anymore because he'd not contacted her soon enough. And so they went on to lead their separate lives. Now he's back in town for a job he's determined to set things right between them.

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

4 stars-- Close to the Bone (Widow's Island #1) by Kendra Elliot

Note: I accidentally deleted 6 months of the blog so this is a repost. All comments on the original posts were unfortunately lost. Sorry!

Close to the Bone was my first time with Elliot. And, oh, yall, I enjoyed it! I picked it up because I have been loving Melinda Leigh. They co-write this series and Leigh writes book 2. So a new author to try. And she was fun!
The Gist: Cate's been sent home to the island she grew up on to recuperate after being shot on the job. But during her down time...bones are found and with no one able to travel to the island she's called up to work the case. One that might be quite personal depending on who's bones they turn out to be.