Thursday, March 28, 2019

[QuoteTasic] Dangerous Beauty (Dangerous Beauty #1) by J.T. Geissinger

Okay. So these two. They have one crazy odd relationship. They're kinda like guy friends who are constantly slamming each other and trying to one up each other with insults/jabs. It's all good natured and they're both into it and it's just kinda funny watching them spar.

“Really? We’re going to engage in a vocabulary war?”

“It’s a point of honor that I never fight a battle with an unarmed opponent, so…” He folds his arms over his chest, stretches out his long legs, and wriggles his toes, staring at me the whole time with a challenge in his smile.

“Wait. Did you just call me dumb?”

He looks me up and down, head to toe, then purses his lips. “You’re too pretty to be smart.”

I have been dying for Nasir's story since meeting him in the previous series. Like stalk the author tweeting I need his story dying. lol So I was pretty excited to jump into Dangerous Beauty.
The Gist: Sometimes your first gig at a new job is easy. Watch a girl. That's all you've got to do. No problem! turns out you fall for the girl and the Russian mob is involved.  Yeah, life's about to get real complicated real fast. 
Nasir's a big bruiser of a guy with a soft heart and many dark secrets lurking below the surface. Fierce, protective, funny and gentle. He's one you want on your side. And Eva. Whew. The girl is full of strength. She's a survivor and doesn't shy away from doing what needs to be done. She's pretty amazing.

Their romance was entertaining as all get out. They have a seriously different dynamic than I've ever seen with a couple. They tease and give each other hell but it's so dang silly and ridiculous and funny watching them try to outdo each other's snarky sly put downs. Things do eventually steam up, too.

So, yeah, why a 3.5 and not a 4 is because it's only a partial story and I loathe those. Yeah. This is a cliffhanger. Their full story is told over 3 books. Yall. Grrrr There's nothing on the book, the Amazon blurb or the review request blurb about that. On Goodreads there's a tiny note at the bottom of the blurb that gives the warning but that to me is not enough. I'm still a bit ticked. What's there is good but it's in no way shape or form a complete story on any front (romance or thriller).

Overall, though, Dangerous Beauty was a solid read. I liked the characters, I liked the set up with the drama and the quirky interesting romance between them. I just didn't appreciate the surprise non ending.

For Nasir, former Special Ops military man and bodyguard, his new job seems like an easy-money gig: trail a Russian mobster’s runaway wife in Mexico, enjoy the sun, observe, and report. Just one rule: don’t get too close. But it’s all Naz can do not to watch the alluring dancer’s every move. A closer look is irresistible—especially when she’s in trouble.

Evalina escaped to the island getaway to live an untraceable life—as far away from the past as she can get. But Eva can’t ignore the dark, muscled stud who rescues her from a drug gang. He says he’s an ex-cop on vacation. When providence throws them together time and again, Eva thinks it’s all a beautiful coincidence. Now she’s giving in to a strange new sensation: trust.

But Naz has a mission to accomplish and a secret to keep. Eva has her share of secrets, too. And as the heat flares between them, Naz knows that trust could become the most dangerous impulse of all.

Amazon | Goodreads | Geissinger on HCBS
*covers link to Amazon

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