Monday, April 15, 2019

[AtoZ] Meet The Herd: Cleo

I've been asked a few times now to introduce the herd. Now and again I let one of the herd babies hijack the blog and tell you a little bit about themselves.

Baby of the Month: Cleo

Name: Cleo

Nicknames: Clem, Clemador, Cleopatra

Age: 15

Color: Black and White

Favorite Things:

-- Food. All the foods. Especially my lickem treats
-- Chin rubs

Things I Hate:

-- Getting my nails trimmed.
-- Not being able to breathe
-- When people walk over me. I can't hear them and it scares me a little.

How it all Began:
My mom was just starting an animal rescue way back almost 15 years ago and saw me and my mom and siblings at the shelter. She thought I looked funny with my black smudged nose but brought us all home to find us homes. I decided to keep her.

My Quirks:

-- I like to rest my chin on things. Doesn't matter what. Laptops, books, phones, my mom. 
-- I'm deaf now. It wasn't always that way but a year or so ago happened. I do okay, though.
My Naughtiest Moment: 
Mom says I'm a faker. She says when I want attention I pretend to be sick. *sticks nose in the air* I. Would. Never! But, okay, so when I was a kitten I had a limp. Really. I did! Mom took me to the vet and they did all kinds of testing and couldn't find anything. But I kept limping. Then mom was in the kitchen and I was playing and she saw me running around and says I wasn't limping until I saw her watching me and then I started limping again. I just. I can't believe she'd say those things about me. I really can't. 

Tell us about you! 

Hullo! My name is Cleo. I am, of course, the most important of the herd babies. I truly am. 
I'm a pretty good girl, I think. I grew up with my sister Claire. We were the bestest of friends. She was a very good sister. And I tried to be one, too. I've always been a social girl and love the other kitties and my herd doggies, too. 
This past year I had open chest surgery. It was pretty scary but I was having trouble breathing and they said it was the only way to help me. Mom cried a lot but found a vet to help me and then get me better. Turned out I'm kinda special (I told her that but she finally figured it out!). My heart isn't in the right spot. It's above my lungs. And I had a weird little thing that was going from my chest wall and wrapping around my esophagus and trachea. So any time I moved it pulled and I got a little panicky. It was really risky. They told mom I had only a 50% chance of surviving the first 3 minutes of surgery and same with the first 24 hours after. Told you mom cried a lot. 
I was a handful, though. I couldn't help it! They wanted me to stay in a little oxygen chamber after surgery and 48 hour ours later I was just done and tired of it. I needed to stretch my legs and explore!!! A girl has things to do! So I hopped out of the arm holes in the oxygen chamber doors and had a little walk through the ER before those pesky humans caught me. They said I was sassy. Harmpf! I'm doing a lot better now. All healed up and my mom got me my own personal oxygen machine so I can have a little hit now and again at home. It's pretty awesome.

I do love me some treats, too. I might have possibly figured out that any time I have a little cough or go to the potty mom gives me a can of food to distract me so I don't have a panic attack. So I kinda go over and sit and watch the food shelf until she figures it out and feeds me. ::snort:: Mom says I'm way too smart for my own good. *shrugs* I mean, I can't help it if I'm brilliant and know how to get what I want when I want it. 

Anywho. It's nice to meet yall. I'm due for a nap and a snack so I'm off. 
(right was 24 hours post chest surgery)

(getting a little oxygen with my noms and my shaved belly post getting my sutures out)

Watching her food and waiting for me to notice.

Check Out Our A to Z Posts!

Other Herd Babes...coming soon!

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