Friday, April 5, 2019

[AtoZ memes] Eve Me! + my week in books

I went for just a trowel. Oops!
Not too shabby of a week, yall. Got a lot done, got a lot left to do. lol

I had the USO which was nice. It had been a month since I'd been because of Cleo and 6 weeks since I saw everyone since one of the guys was out last time. So it was nice seeing them.

The food pantry was crazy busy. Weather had been bad the day before so our shift was busy but good. 

I did some cooking and a lot of planting and started putting together a temporary kitty run for the herd babies. It should be done today if the weather holds. 

That's about it. 

I read a lot. Unfortunately it was all rather ho-hum mediocre.

Gabriel's Redemption-- Needed a real editor who wasn't afraid to cut out 250 pages. I just do not understand at all. A very generous 2 stars.

Highland Spitfire-- Wasn't bad, exactly. I got through it quickly. I was disappointed, though, in the hero and his clan and how terrible or thoughless they were in regards to the heroine who was forcefully taken from her clan and forced to marry. (he was forced, too). 

A Christmas by the Sea-- had a lot of good elements. Unfortunately the author didn't do a great job of fleshing out the romance and just did one of those 'hi, nice to meet you, wanna get married?' romances that smacked of just wanting to be done with the story so she could move on.


I'm working on my next to last Netgalley book. From...a long time ago. I remember enjoying book one. Shooting okay so far. I feel like I got dumped in the middle of a story. *shrugs*

I had a $5 amazon credit that was expiring so picked up The Drifter and Need You Now. I loved The Drifter but only had an ARC and Helm is a favorite here. Vlad was a freebie.

A to Z Challenge Posts
Blow Me Away by Christina Hovland

Oh my noms. There were SO many good foods this week as I was getting ready for some recipe posts for later this month. Yum!


Sheet Pan Gnocchi & Veggies
Fried Halloumi Sandwich
Pulled "Pork" BBQ Sandwich

hosted by: That Artsy Reader Girl

Top Ten: Extraordinary Things I’ve Done for the Love of Books
LOL well I'm thinking maybe I'm not the dedicated bookworm I thought. I haven't done anything all that outrageous. I've gone to book cons and book signings and to get signed books. So maybe that? Since I crossed state lines. But, yeah, I wouldn't break up with someone if they weren't a reader unless they where hateful about my books. And nothing else all that weird I don't think. I mean I've stayed up reading all night but that's normal, right?

Question: If you could take the place of any fictional character, who would it be and why?

A: Oh ack. Only one? Okay probably Eve from JD Robb's In Death series because Roarke is amazing. And she's got an awesome partner at work and good group of people around her. She's kickass, too. An incredible detective and dedicated and full of passion for her work. I'd be okay with a few less dead bodies but comes with her being a cop. lol Roarke would be worth it. ;)

Check Out Our A to Z Posts!

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