Monday, July 8, 2019

memes-- Character's With Jobs I'd Love

Are we already a week into July?!! Crazy! It was another busy week. Other than the food pantry which was busy but good I did a lot around the house and some reading.

  • We got a tiny bit of rain on the 4th but not enough so I worked on putting in drip irrigation for the veggie garden. Halfway finished with that. I picked my first eggplants, too! It was exciting :)

  • G was a very bad girl this week and jumped on the bed next to me and peed. She's not sick. She's just a brat and is mad she's not an only kitten even though it's been freaking 11 years she's not been an only kitten. She's stubborn. lol

  • The 4th was lovely. Other than Christmas it's my favorite holiday. I thought we'd get rained out but fireworks were a go. I went out and watched at a little manmade lake in town. They did a great job!
  • Oh! And the babies got a treat from our friend Ellen over at 15 and Meowing. She's got a darling herd and saw about Jeremy's newly toothless state and played toothless kitteh fairy and sent him three knit (crochet?) toys. Gladys promptly stole all three from him. lol They LOVE the toys and spent hours tossing them about and foot kicking and just being goofy over them. Thank you so much, Ellen! <3 And Jeremy is doing well. It's amazing how they bounce back!

I only managed two books this week. 

Forests, Fishing & Forgery-- A good read. I like the characters. Editing was better. A camper goes missing and a forest ranger is killed. Oh my! I did think the ending was lacking. It was trying to tie it up with a pretty bow and it didn't quite work. But still fun overall.

Brentwood's Ward-- took me for freaking ever! I read it since I won book 3. It wasn't bad. It was just slow on my part. He's hired to be her guardian while her dad travels to America. But then the dad's killed. The business partner it killed and someone's coming after the chick. I had a LOT of heroine issues because she's just bratty and self absorbed for a lot of the book but she did finally come around and grew up which I can appreciate. I'll read the next one.


I'm about halfway through Stranded with the Billionaire. It's fun. They're snowed in (one of my favorite themes) at the food pantry the heroine runs. He's been secretly helping her out. Light and fun.

I won a copy of Old Reliable Locomotives over on Goodreads. 

Once again planner to come. I've been lazy on it recently.


Food was semi-simple this week. French bread with herbed cheese and goodies from the garden. Salad with goodies from the garden. Then sauted swiss chard/garlic (from the garden lol) and vegan sausage with a kale/cabbage salad that I couponed for. All pretty tasty!

hosted by: That Artsy Reader Girl

Top Ten: Characters With Jobs I'd Love

Fatal Frost-- homesteader/small farmer
Vampire Knitting Club-- knitting shop (craft shop)
Blow Me Away-- cookie bakery
Cooper's Charm-- RV park
Cruel Candy-- bookshop/bakery

So basically I want a bookish craft store with a bakery and wouldn't mind a bit more land to play with afterhours or a park/campground to call home. lol


Question: What do you like/dislike about self-published works?
A: The editing. It's atrocious in so many of them. Which is really unfortunate. The covers as a whole leave a lot to be desired as well though they are getting better. I do like that books can be put out somewhat faster which can be a nice perk but, again, not if the editing has been skipped.

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