Soooo I've come up with a new challenge for October after chatting with some people on Facebook. It's all about Getting Your Shit Together. Basically an adulting checklist for the month with all kinds of prompts (one a day).
So if you've found yourself floundering, feeling behind with the whole being grown thing, would like a little cheerleading squad behind you as you mark things done come join us! We've got a Facebook group just for the challenge so we can keep up with each other. I think it'll be fun even if it's a bit of work, too.
The Prompts:
[Printable Checklist]
Other than day #1 the prompts do not have to be done in order.
- DAY ONE PROMPT: Sit down and do a little planning. Make your personal/professional/fun goals for the month. Write down 3 things you want to change this month. Write down 3 things you're looking forward to this month.
- Starting today commit to something healthy this month-- reducing or adding foods to your diet (fewer sweets/more veggies or less meat/more veggies or whatever), getting your daily steps, drinking your water, taking your vitamin every day, stretching, meditating. It doesn't matter what but pick something that will improve your health this month and start working on it today.
- Clean out the pantry-- pull out expired or soon to expire foods, cook what you can!
- Try something new-- so easy to get in a rut! Try a new food or recipe, a new skill, go somewhere new, etc.
- Tackle *that* stack of paperwork that's been taunting you.Clean out your junk drawer (or box or bag)
- Start saving! Any amount. $5? $25? More? You pick. But purposefully add money to your savings account, your piggy bank, etc.
- Start thinking about the Holidays! This can be anything from planning meal ideas, decorations, starting to pull together gifts or ideas, coupons to save on gifts, working on Christmas card ideas, etc.
- Check your finances--unsubscribe from anything you don't need, haggle with the phone/internet company, look for lower fee services, etc.
- Sort your email or bookmarked websites or saved FB posts
- Have Intent-- People/Pets/Plants-- Do something today with intent. Set aside special time to tend your garden/plants, play with/care for your pets (maybe they need a groom or just play time, extra treats) or make time to meet up with a friend/family member/give them a call just because, etc
- Do some self pampering today-- have a hot bath, do your nails, do a face mask, etc. Just do something that makes you feel good that you usually skip because of time, etc.
- Focus on a hobby you've had going and actually do something with it today
- clean up your digital photos and back them up or back up your blog!
- Clean out/vacuum your car (if you don't have a vehicle pick a small spot in your home to tidy)
- Check your health-- make any medical appointments you need to make, if you aren't due for something pick another health related activity
- Write someone an actual physical letter
- Do that one task you've been putting off forever
- Freebie that's you specific
- catch up on all laundry/dishes AND put them away
- PURGE! Fill a bag or box with stuff and get it out of your house. Donate or trash or recycle just get it gone.
- Do a little good-- Do something for someone else/your community. Ex-- If someone is done with their grocery cart and you're headed in...take it for them. Pick up some trash in your community. Volunteer somewhere. Give a neighbor or stranger a flower. Anything counts just do something for someone else today.
- Go outside-- Walk the neighborhood or downtown, go to a park, watch the sunrise or sunset
- tidy/update your social media profiles
- Freebie Task that's you specific
- Do some emergency prep-- Depending where you're located do some planning for natural disasters/etc. Start putting together a go bag/an emergency kit of supplies/look up evacuation routes, etc. If you need help with this one let me know! I started my kits a couple years back. If you have a kit go through it and make sure everything is still in date and in good shape.
- Get rid of any clothes that don't fit. Or that you just don't love!
- Update or create a will. Not fun but it IS important!
- Tackle one room or space and clean it top to bottom and purge things along the way.
- Clean out/Sort your toiletries-- bathroom supplies, medical cabinet, etc
- The Forgotten Maintenance-- sanitize your keys/bottom of purse/phone, replace any filters, replace your toothbrush if it's been a while, etc. Any of those little things that are often forgotten and way past due.
- Dress up, have some chocolate or a drink and have a great Halloween! You did awesome this month!
It'll be an interesting month for sure. Some fun stuff, some serious stuff, some creative stuff. We shall see how it goes!
Join the Challenge!
(if you don't have a blog please use a social media profile)
Join the Challenge!
(if you don't have a blog please use a social media profile)

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