Monday, July 16, 2012

North of Need (Hearts of the Anemoi #1) by Laura Kaye + giveaway

Desperate to escape agonizing memories of Christmas past, twenty-nine-year-old widow Megan Snow builds a snow family outside the mountain cabin she once shared with her husband, realizing too late that she’s recreated the very thing she’ll never have.

Called to life by Megan’s tears, snow god Owen Winters appears unconscious on her doorstep in the midst of a raging blizzard. As she nurses him to health, Owen finds unexpected solace in her company and unimagined pleasure in the warmth of her body, and vows to win her heart for a chance at humanity.

Megan is drawn to Owen’s mismatched eyes, otherworldly masculinity, and enthusiasm for the littlest things. But this Christmas miracle comes with an expiration—before the snow melts and the temperature rises, Megan must let go of her widow’s grief and learn to trust love again, or she’ll lose Owen forever.

Type: Paranormal Romance, gods of weather
Heat: 3 out of 5
Rating: 5 out of 5

North of Need is the first book in Laura Kaye's Hearts of the Anemoi series and I absolutely adored it. It's a fun, charming read with a very sweet romance. The main characters, Megan and Owen, have been through tremendous losses during their lives and ohmigod will your heart ache for them. This could have easily been a very dark and depressing tale but Kaye added so many light hearted, joyful moments as these two start to heal and really live life that they balanced out the tears and heartache perfectly. There's no violence, grit or real suspense involved but Kaye did manage to get my adrenalin surging a couple times and had me antsy and sitting on the edge of my seat there at the end going nonononoOMG(ha)no!! The writing flows smoothly, the relationship is believable and entertaining plus you get to learn how to make an igloo. Pretty damn kick-ass.

I loved Owen and Megan as a couple. They're sweet and playful together. The sex scenes were steaming hot and so emotionally charged. The relationship does move quickly but is written so well it seems like they've known each other forever. It's been a long time since I've met a hero as sweet and endearing as Owen. He's incredibly charming and has an enthusiasm for life that is cute as all get out and will totally win you over. I kept finding myself smiling from ear to ear over him and his love for junk food, ice cream, playing in the snow. There's an almost childlike innocence about him that's just too damn cute. And Megan? Megan just about broke my heart as she struggled to survive the grief of losing her husband and the guilt of being happy and enjoying another man. Her inner turmoil and struggle was very nicely written and it was so moving to see her living life again. I loved getting to see her smile and joke, play around and just have a good time with Owen. 
Her breathing stuttered at the thought of tasting the sweet cream off his skin. "Nothing." 
"No, tell me." He stepped closer. 
She shook her head. "Why mint and peach?" 
He quirked a crooked smile. "Mint for fresh breath, peach because it's breakfast. You know, fruit." 
"I don't think peach ice cream counts as fruit." 
"What's that right there?" He pointed to the hunks of frozen orange buried in the mounds of ice cream overflowing his bowl. 
"Peach, but--" 
"Nuh uh. No but. It's peach. Case closed." He lifted the bowl and took a big bite.” 
I mean, really, how could you not love him?!! North of Need is one of my favorite reads so far this year. Owen and Megan are characters that will stick with you long after you've finished reading their journey and are easily ones you'll want to visit over and over again. Book two of the series, West of Want, just came out this week and I'm very much looking forward to finding out about Zephyros who sounds like he's a bit of a badass and a little edgier than Owen. Can't wait for my copy to get here!

Get Your Copy:  Amazon    Barnes&Noble buy the book from The Book Depository, free delivery

Have you read anything by Laura Kaye? Are you all about the badass alpha hero or do you like your boys a little sweeter and silly? Ever read about a god of weather? 

Hmmm. How about a bookmark for today's giveaway? 
Giveaway is international and open until 7/31
Just leave a comment about the review or answer the questions to enter!


  1. Great review! I have not read anything by Laura Kaye yet, but I hope to sometime. Thanks for the chance to win!
    natasha_donohoo_8 at hotmail dot com

  2. i haven't read anything by this author yet except the excerpt on her website because i follow her ^^;;

    this bookmark is gorgeous thank you for this opppotunity to win


  3. I haven't read anything by Laura Kaye yet, but I'd like to. I like both, and no I have never read about the god of weather, but it does sound interesting(:

  4. I'm really excited about this book, I've heard so many good things about it. Glad to see you enjoyed it so much! Thanks for the giveaway.

  5. Loved your review, I really want an Owen of my own. To answer the question, I've read EVERYTHING of Laura's and loved it all. I'm anxiously waiting on Zeph's arrival via Amazon. :P Thanks for a chance at a lovely bookmark!

    purdueliz @ gmail dot com

    1. Thanks Stephanie! And oh yeah I could so get behind having an Owen of my own. I'm still working my way through Laura's books and loving them more and more. I'm waiting for Zeph from B&N. So excited!

      Good luck!

  6. Awesome! I want to read this book badly!!!! I haven't read a Laura Kaye book yet but now I'm dying to! I love the alpha male! No pansies for me thanks!!!!
    tobihelton at gmail dot com

    1. You so should! Laura is fantastic :) I'm still smiling over this one and it's been days since I read it.

  7. I haven't read any thing yet. But I do have a few of her books patiently waiting for more hours in a day.
    bournmelissa at hotmail dot com

    1. Oh I know how that is Mel. I've got a huge stack of authors I'm dying to read :) Just not enough hours in the day to read!

  8. Laura is a new author for me, I haven't read any of her books yet. I have to say I can't take my eyes off this book cover =) Also the bookmark looks so beautiful!
    verusbognar (at) gmail (dot) com

    1. I know right? This series has the most delicious covers! If you haven't checked out the other two you so should. They're just as good :)

  9. Sounds great!! I do like the badass alpha male, but I do like them with a softer side as well.


  10. Great review & excerpt. I have read many of Laura's books and loved them all. I can't wait to read this book too! Thanks so much for the giveaway.
    manning_j2004 at yahoo dot com

    1. Thanks June :) I'm working my way through Laura's books but so far this is definitely my favorite. I'm so ready for book 2 to get here I'm sure it's going to be just as good :)

  11. Love the review. I can't wait to read this series.
    I love the alpha male stories!

    filiafantasy at gmail dot com

  12. I love alpha male stories but I like the other ones too. I have yet to read about a god of the weather. Thank you for the awesome giveaway!

    1. I like em all too Wendy :) Variety's a great thing!

  13. I do find bad alpha men appealing though I want them to have a lot of heart! Two things that I look for :)


  14. I preorder her books no. 2 west of want, in my books i look and find my alpha heroes. thanks so much for giveaway. sisilia83athotmaildotcom

  15. i must confest...i haven't read books by Laura Kaye before..
    but judging by its cover..they look yummy....
    thx 4 the chance of winning this great books :)

    chikojubilee at gmail dot com

    1. Oh they are very yummy! Laura writes some amazing men :)


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