Friday, October 3, 2014

Happiness Challenge--Day 3

  1. That the fire was only a wee little fire and I didn't have to call the fire department (though yay firemen!) because I forgot the tortilla chip bag in the oven and turned on the broiler. Yeah. 
  2. The word fuck. I just enjoy it so. (this ties in so nicely to #1)
  3. being comfortable with who I am and that I'm not scared to express myself
Hrm. One of the herd foster babes who is very shy and never comes around decided she needed a snuggle last night. It took her a good 20 minutes to work her way on the bed and over to me but she came little by little and snuggled right down next to my hip and let me pet her for a while. It was a pretty big step for her and totally made me get that choked up mommy face.

I'm going to use readery type people for these :)

So my first "person that rocks some awesome" is...Sophia Rose over at Delighted Reader.
Yes rock. *waves*

If yall haven't met Sophia you really ought to jump over and give her some visits. She's a total book girl and always up for chatting about anything book related. I've really enjoyed getting to know her via blogging and FB and seeing how passionate she is about what she reads. She's thoughtful, adventurous in her reading and even when we don't read quite the same things it's just fun seeing how much she enjoys certain reads or seeing the things that didn't quite pan out with them. She's definitely swayed me on trying out some genres or books I might not have considered before.

So...Miss Sophia. Thank you for making my blogging/reading life more enjoyable and fun. I so appreciate your visits and and all your reviews. It's so fun checking them out. 

Feel free to share your day's "thankful for"s, meaningful moment or the person you think is pretty awesome today down in the comments!

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