Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Cat Thursday! The kinda naughty edition...

Welcome to the weekly meme hosted by The True Book Addict that celebrates the wonders and sometime hilarity of cats!

Join us by posting a favorite LOL cat pic you may have come across, famous cat art or even share with us pics of your own beloved cat(s). It's all for the love of cats! Enjoy!

I love this kitteh and got a good chuckle outta him so just had to share.

This one just always cracks me up!

So how are yall doing this week? Anything exciting going on? 


  1. LMAO!!!!! Those are hilarious.

  2. I can't decide which one is the most funny. That first one had me, but then that last one...hilarious! Thanks for the good time. =O)

    1. Michelle that last one makes me snort every time. I just love that kitteh.

  3. Well, I can't argue with their logic! Cute ones!

  4. The first one cracked me up! My cats come into the bathroom when I give my kids a bath. I can't help but wonder what they're thinking...maybe now I know ;)

  5. I love your Cat Days! The surprised look on the first kitty made my day! Thanks Anna!

    1. I love Cat Thursday too Pat! It's so fun coming up with a theme each week :D Glad it made you smile!

  6. HA! I love that last one!

    New follower via GFC and new participator in this meme.

    Holly @ Words Fueled by Love

  7. Those are very funny. The only excitement I had is going to the vet with my 20yr old thyroid cat who now has high blood pressure. Lost his sight but; now it's back with meds. Dr said we caught it in time. And my other kitty got a Herpes Ulcer in his eye. Think that is what she called it so we are trying to get his eye better. She said this is a slow process. So mostly stressful excitement this month. Kitties are much better now. Has been a crazy month. LOL.
    Sue B

    1. Oh my goodness. Yeah I'd call that excitement! Glad baby number one is doing better and his sight came back! Whew! Hope baby number 2 starts healing quickly. We've dealt with an ulcer on the eye before and it so wasn't fun. Lots of happy healthy healing thoughts :)

  8. That is just too funny. Love the looks on the cats faces with these quotes.

    1. Aren't they hysterical? They're just so darn expressive!

  9. Lots of truly "laugh out loud" moments here. The last one really got me. Maybe we need to be more careful when our kitties go near our books :)

    1. Bwhaha. Herd baby Gladys likes to sit on my shoulder while I read and sometimes I do have the urge to cover those little eyes. LOL. Happy weekend Kate!

  10. I'd seen the first one before but not the last two. They're funny. :D

    1. It was the first time I saw that first one Bea and I about died laughing. Those other two crack me up every time I see them.

      Thanks for dropping by! Hope you have a great weekend :)

  11. Those are so funny. How do people come up with these?

  12. omg the last one!! That's hilarious! I need to read this post during the week so it'll make my weekdays beter hahah

    Ning @ DABR

    1. LOL Ning it's one of the better parts of Wednesdays for me since that's usually when I put them together :) And Thursdays are always so fun hopping around to the other kitteh posts.

      Hope you're having a great weekend!


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