Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Mini Challenge #3: Women of the Otherworld!

Oooo mini-challenge!

Which book is your favorite book so far in the WOTO challenge?

Right now I'm only up to book 3, Dime Store Magic, which happens to be my favorite so far in the series. Even though teenage Savannah drove me up the freaking wall I loved Paige and Lucas. I really liked that neither of them are your typical kick-ass and take names kind of hero(ine) but they still manage to come out on top in the end. They're both good people and ones I found myself thinking I really wouldn't mind knowing in real life. I also really liked getting to see Armstrong's take on Witches vs. Sorcerers. 

You can check out the review here


  1. yay! I am so happy that you are enjoying Dime Store Magic!! Thank you for taking on the mini-challenge :)

    1. I really enjoyed Paige and was so surprised by that. I'm starting her next book tomorrow :) Thanks for working so hard on the challenge! It's great :)


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