There's nothing florist Ainsley Fairfax won't do to help her sister get the love of her life-even if it means taking her place on a bachelorette weekend at a Wyoming ranch so Cecelia can sail off with the man of her dreams. Ainsley is determined to spend the time keeping her head down and her heart safely tucked away-until an encounter with the ranch's hunky owner gets her heart-and steamy desires-to bloom . . .Sometimes you really just don't see things coming and landing in a cowboy-ified version of the Bachelor and competing with 7 other women for the affections of one surly cowboy is definitely one of those things. I mean, really now.
Riley Pommer doesn't want to be lassoed into any relationship. But with the family ranch in dire straits, Riley knows his sisters' crazy plan to turn the ranch into the setting for a dating competition-and using Riley as the bait-is the only thing standing between them and foreclosure. But the rules of the game change the instant Riley lays eyes on the spirited Ainsley. Now, as others try to stampede over their love, can Riley prove to Ainsley that true love is a prize worth fighting for?
Type: Contemporary Romance, Cowboys
Heat: 3 out of 5
Rating: 4 out of 5
Who Wants to Marry a Cowboy? was fun and sexy, a little bit crazy and full of a herd of insane make-wish-they'd-get-trampled-just-a-little-bit-by-a-flock-of-sheep woman that could try the patience of a saint, an amazing couple that found each other despite said herd of insane women and a family that's trying to put itself back together after a tremendous loss. Really it was a great little ride and one that kept me entertained and laughing for hours.
"Need some help?"Ainsley and Riley were fun characters to get to know and so damn perfect for each other. They made me want to scream a few times along the way but when they're together and just being themselves and ignoring all the other insane "husband hunters" the chemistry between them was through the roof and the banter and steamy bits were so yummy. There aren't a LOT of them but what leads up to them is make you tingle good.
Apparently that was the wrong thing to say. Riley stiffened and avoided her face before clearing his throat. "It's messy and wet work. You don't want to go."
"I wish you'd stop telling me what to do and what I want, Cowboy. How do you know I don't want to get wet and messy?"
His mouth quirked and she became grateful for the layer of dirt hiding the blush suffusing her cheeks. She stayed still, letting him get the immature images out of his min. Finally, he gave her the barest of nods.
This cowboy though. Lordy some days it was like he fell off his horse and got knocked stupid. He's so got that hot, sexy, broody thing going that'll make you *swoon* but the man had some serious trust issues when it came to Ainsley which started to seriously tick me off on her behalf and get to wanting to take a cowboy down! He totally redeemed himself in the best possible way that really let you know he "got" her and who she was though so by the end of the story I was ready to forgive him and his sexy ass.
Now, Ainsley, one of the things I loved most about her, and she really was an awesome heroine, was that she called Riley on his shit. If he started acting like an ass she'd get that tone, you know the one I'm talking about, call him Cowboy and set him right back in his place. It was so much fun to watch. Seriously. Loved it. Really just watching her take back her life and stop letting others push her around was really lovely to see. She had a lot of people against her including her mom and sometimes she let it get to her and make her cry but she always pulled it back together and held her head high. How could you not love a woman like that?
All in all I really enjoyed Who Wants to Marry a Cowboy? Yup there were moments I wanted to shake Riley and Ainsley, there were moments I wanted to pull some hair and go totally girl fight on a few crazy women, there were aws and happy sighs, laughs and some tears along the way as these two found their happily ever after. And for me a book that can get me invested and wanting to throw down a bit is a really good book.
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