Note: I accidentally deleted 6 months of the blog so this is a repost. All comments on the original posts were unfortunately lost. Sorry!
I wanted to meme. And only had one weekly post to do it. So there's a whole lotta memeage happening in this post. You might have to scroll down a bit to get the one you're looking for. 😸

I spent so many hours prepping for Florence this week. My bits are sore but man my yard never looked so tidy. lol At this point I am locked in the house and not leaving again until it passes.
I'm right outside of Raleigh and our area has gotten pretty lucky. We were supposed to get hit really hard but with the change in path it looks like (hopefully) we'll just have sustained winds in the upper 20s for about 20 hours and then gusts on top of that. Then lots of rain. There are some 700,000 in the state that lost power so far. Ours has managed to stay on with just some flickering on day one. So keeping fingers crossed.
This is about 2 hours east of me in New Bern before the storm even hit. Yall. Scary stuff. And people were stupid enough not to evacuate when it was mandatory. smh
Anywho. Pretty much all life revolves around Flo right now so I don't have any other news. Ha! Hopefully I'll keep power and can visit everyone while we're trapped at home but if I disappear...don't worry. I'll keep me and the herd safe and check in when power comes back on. Feel free to follow me over on FB (personal | blog) if you want updates.

The Christmas Joy Ride was nice. A senior citizen and her 30something neighbor decide to take a trip of a lifetime traveling down route66 in a tricked out RV and spreading Christmas cheer to 6 individuals/groups who are down on their luck. It was sweet and had just a smidge of romance at the end.

I've read 3 of the 4 novellas in Santa's On His Way. They've been good. I'm reading the last one now-- Jackson's.

The Dom Who Loved Me by Lexi Blake

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hosted by: That Artsy Reader Girl |
Top Ten: Books On My Fall 2018 TBR
Yay upcoming reads! There are a few from my favorite authors releasing September 22nd -December 21st. Here's what I'm looking forward to!
*covers link to Amazon
The comments on this post were hilarious. lol

And three that were on my list but I've already read. I enjoyed all of them.
*covers link to Amazon
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hosted by: Coffee Addicted Writer
Question: What author do you not read and why?
A: Oh I have a whole list of authors. lol I keep a list in my email drafts of authors I won't be reading again or ever. Most recently Kari Lynn Dell joined the ranks of "never again" authors after she had readers try to manipulate ratings over on Goodreads to knock my review off the main page.
Others have been added for similar bad behavior, for political postings, for inciting drama, making threats, for chasing writing fads and abandoning their work that made them "famous".
Some Hurricane humor for those who need it...

The comments on this post were hilarious. lol

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