Note: I accidentally deleted 6 months of the blog so this is a repost. All comments on the original posts were unfortunately lost. Sorry!

Oh my September. You were a handful.
- We had a hurricane. So I lost like a week and a half with prep and recovery. But thankfully my area was largely spared
- I went to the USO and food pantry.
- I got to play with TSA dogs and act as a decoy. That was interesting. They basically give you live explosive elements and have you attempt to go through security to see if the dogs can catch you. Yall. I am NOT cut out to be a bad guy! Even a pretend one. lol I was so nervous! But it was a neat experience.
- The herd continues to hang in there though both girls have had some hard days. Hopefully the fall weather will help both.
- Blogging took a back seat. I had posts ready for every day of the month but just didn't feel like having them go live so they were moved around a bit. So a lot fewer posts went live.
- Reading took off. Then stalled. Ten took off again. lol Now I just need to write like 40 reviews (no joke ,yall)

It starts Monday! Yes! Yall feel free to join in on it.
The Goal is to get ahead in your blogging and pre-schedule completed posts.
This has SAVED the blog. Honestly other than monthly recap and small edits on meme posts I haven't formatted or written a post since July 5th. Yeah. lol
I'm starting with 27 scheduled posts.
By November 1 I should have 57 scheduled posts.
Here's hoping!
Total Reviews: 5
New to Me Authors: 2
Favorite Read: When It's Right
Would You Rather Tag

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