Friday, February 24, 2012

Follow Friday! Where do you read?

Q: Activity!!! Take a picture or describe where you love to read the most...

A: Alright this is kinda fun. Can't wait to see where everyone reads. I've got 3 spots. 

First spot is my bedroom. Love reading in here. The flash is doing a kinda funny thing with the wall color since it's the middle of the night but it's a really nice moss green color. It's a pretty relaxing and warm place to read.

Second favorite spot is my guest room. I redid it this year after living in the house for near 7 years and never getting it quite right. It's been painted 5 times so far but I think this one's going to stick. Love the dark purple and green.  Added the wall of black bookcases and a nice reading chair too (but I usually use the day bed for reading). 

Last spot is the living room. I ended up here a lot during Christmas. Was so nice with the fire going and the tree up. That's my grandmom when she was visiting and my two dogs (Zack and Margarite) in the first picture. There are a couple nice places to read in there and one of the full wall bookcases I put in this summer (and one of the reasons it's a favorite spot). Love getting to see all my books on display. And, that's part of the group of cats I herd every day enjoying their Christmas catnip.

And. That's my house and where I curl up with all my favorite books. This last year or so I've pretty much made everywhere a good reading spot and I'm loving it :)  

So where do yall curl up?


  1. OMG...I love how colourful your house is!

    New follower. :)

    Book Bound

    1. Thanks Jessica! I love playing around with colors/patterns and seeing what happens :)

      Thanks for coming by!

  2. I love all your rooms!! The pink and purple are gorgeous. Love the animals too. :)

    Happy Friday!

    I'm a New GFC follower btw
    My FF:

    1. Thank ya! I had a lot of fun getting the rooms all put together. Especially the purple one. It's a nice little reading spot! Definitely wouldn't be nearly as nice without the herd to snuggle with while I read :)

  3. Following. I love your room! It is so cheerful and pretty.

    1. Thank ya :) I really like coming home to it. It's a nice place to escape for a while :)

  4. I think you're spoiled for choice! Lovely colours.
    New follower.

    1. Thanks Deborah. Yep, I'm definitely spoiled with my reading choices. I'm so okay with that though ;) Thanks for stopping over!

  5. New follower!

    Wow, awesome rooms :)

  6. Wow - your house is beautiful. What great rooms, very colourful. :)

    New to your blog! Hope you'll drop by mine sometime.

    My Follow Friday Post|Enter my International Giveaway


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