Monday, July 29, 2019

[memes] Books That Made Me Need a Damn Cookie + this week

Woo! Another busy week. We had some really freaking scary rain where you could feel the dang sizzle from the lightning hitting.  The garden loved it, though.

USO and Food Pantry were both slammed. And two of my regulars were out of town so I had a sub at the food pantry and Ken and I had a filler lady at the USO. They were good, though!
Jeremy is doing really great on his thyroid meds. He's back to his bubbly self and seems to have even gained a little of his weight back. Mo survived his accidental medicating and is as bratty as ever.

There's a baby watermelon!!!! And baby peas! YALL I CAN'T EVEN!

(I'm making the blog rounds today so prepare for some comment bombing this week if I haven't been by in a while)

Secrets & Sin-- Oh my! She was a bit too stupid to live but it was hot and a fun halloween menage where the boys flipped houses and made a pervy halloween fun house just for her and fucked her stupid in all the rooms of the mansion they were flipping.

Quiver & Burn-- hot and steamy. She kept both of her twin neighbors. Was kind of neat because as a side hustle the boys buy storage units.

Renegade-- I love this series. Set at a railroad restaurant in the Nevada territory. She's a Harvey Girl (waitress) and he's the sheriff. Slower paced but good.

Rock Redemption-- Lordy he was a work in progress and so damn broken. Patience of a saint, that heroine. It was really moving, though, watching him heal.


Need a man? Well, these heroines have decided to pick up their men at a new porn shop in town. lol It's funny and a little steamy. Truth or Dare's an older one from Foster but fun. 

I picked up Renegade and Wolf Instinct a couple weeks back and forgot to add them to a post I think. Anywho. I've read Renegade and enjoyed it. Wolf Instinct I started then realized I'd missed the book before somehow and it was a doozy from the sounds of it. So Wolf Instinct got put on hold.



Some fun garden inspired food this week!

  • Fried halloumi with baby eggplant, chives and tikka masala rice. (eggplant/chives from the garden)
  • Pasta with white bean marinara and fried eggplant (from the garden)
  • A pimiento cheese biscuit from Bojangles. They emailed a free coupon for it.
  • BBQ and coleslaw sandwich


hosted by: That Artsy Reader Girl

Top Ten: Books That Made Me Need a Damn Cookie!

I was having trouble coming up with a topic this week and Fedora was all...books that make me hungry! Hmmm indeed. So 10 books that made me need a nom. 

Cruel Candy-- Buttery pastries. It's a bookstore/bakery combo and she even makes vegan items for the daddy
Trailblazer-- They're set at the Harvey Restaurants and I would LOVE to see that
The Heist--Toblerone bars. He leaves them for her as a little cheeky taunt
Blow Me Away-- COOKIES!!! All the cookies!
Spell of Trouble-- homemade chocolates, one of the characters has a chocolate shop
A Taste for Scandal-- cake made with hand shaved chocolate
Down Home Cowboy-- all the sweets!
Rise & Die-- it's a little diner and always makes me want breakfast
Sweet Little Lies-- muffins! One of the side characters makes amazing muffins
Sweet Tea & Sympathy-- I need a big glass of sweet iced tea


Question: Do you own more than one copy of a book?
A: Yes. I like animals so everyone things I need copies of Marley & Me. I have multiples in multiple languages. lol 
I do have some accidental buys from second hand stores and a few I have finished copies and ARCs and some I have a print then "bought" the ebook when it went free at some later point.

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