Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Death is a Bitch by Cate Masters + giveaway

Eternity can suck when it’s all work, work, work. Death harvests souls even when they stack up faster than pancakes in an all-you-can-eat-buffet. No wonder she can’t shed the Grim Reaper rep.

As the patron angel of death and dying, Azrael works closely with Death but is dying for true intimacy. She’s the only immortal who’s ever aroused such powerful emotions in him. One taste of her leaves him needing her like humans need air and food, but will a demon’s lies leave a bad taste?

No one escapes Death – except King Sisyphus. Twice. With the help of Damien the demon, Sisyphus tries again, and she’s determined to have justice. Some say Death’s a bitch, but only when she has to be. But will the price of justice be a broken heart?

Type: Paranormal Romance, Angels, Demons
Publisher: Decadent Publishing, ebook, ~140pages
Heat: 2 out of 5
Rating: 4 out of 5

So, maybe, Death is a Bitch but she's pretty damn awesome too. This was my first time reading Cate Masters and I thoroughly enjoyed it from the characters to the storyline. It's a quick story and I thought a pretty entertaining take on Death and mythology. 

I really enjoyed both Death (the heroine) and Azrael (her boss as the Department of Death and Dying ::snort:: love that!). Azrael wasn't your smoothest of heroes but for some reason I found him completely endearing. His inner dialogue absolutely cracked me up. Death was a bit of a surprise. She's a total Type-A personality and incredibly dedicated to her work (but really not all that bitchy I didn't think). She had me on the verge of tears multiple times as she went about collecting souls and I saw how it affected her. The woman could be just as kind as she was fierce which I found so interesting to watch.
Harry managed a weak smile. "If everyone knew how sweet the kiss of Death was, you'd never get any rest." 
She flushed with pleasure. "No wonder Jo fell for you, Harry." 
"I've been waiting for you." 
"I know. Sorry I'm late."
Death and Azrael have been secretly crushing on each other for ages but OMG these two just couldn't get their act together at all. I wanted to shake them more than once and add an "aw come on you two!" It did add some nice drama and was entertaining but whew, yeah, wore me out.

Steam-wise it's a mixed kinda thing and went from so tame I completely missed it was a sex scene until after it was over to a demon with a forked penis having a threesome.

Overall Death is a Bitch is a great little read and I enjoyed the storyline of a smitten and jealous demon, Damien, trying to foul things up for Death and Azrael. I actually really enjoyed Damien as a villain and would LOVE to hear his story told one day. The story really kept me smiling and entertained throughout and came with some nice emotional punches along the way. If you enjoy short stories and fun takes on mythology I'd definitely recommend grabbing a copy.

Get Your Copy

Have you read Cate before? Have a favorite?
What do you think about Death is a Bitch? Gonna check it out?

~~*~About the Author~*~~
Cate Masters  - Magic, mayhem and a little romance
Cate Masters has made beautiful central Pennsylvania her home, but she’ll always be a Jersey girl at heart. When not spending time with her dear hubby, she can be found in her lair, concocting a magical brew of contemporary, historical, and fantasy/paranormal stories with her cat Chairman Maiow and dog Lily as company. Look for her at her blog and in strange nooks and far-flung corners of the web.

Cate loves to hear from readers.

Cate's offering a lovely giveaway today. Just leave some book love and fill out the rafflecopter!

Tour Schedule

November 5th
November 6th


  1. I love the idea of these characters. Stories about the crazy, hot lives of immortals are always intriguing!

    Thank you for sharing this and for the giveaway!

    hafowler at gmail dot com

  2. Thanks so much for the giveaway. The book sounds amazing! Already on my WL in case I don't win. :)


  3. Thank you for the chance to win your book sounds great .

  4. Great post. Death is a Bitch sounds like a great read.


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