A growly reclusive hero. A sassy yet slightly broken heroine in need of help. A cute little pup rounding out their trio. Oh yes. I had a good time with this group as Brandon lands himself an unexpected house guest and she sets about changing his life.
The Gist: Megan...has had better days. Yes, she has. This one? Well, it's ended up with her broken down and then passed out in a stranger's driveway. Yeah. Top it off? She's going to need someone to keep an eye on her the next little while to make sure she's healing okay and that...is something her life sorely lacks. Good thing her rescuer has a gentle heart under his rough around the edges exterior.
There's something about Brandon and Megan that I just enjoyed. They were easy to life even when they weren't perfect or were having a 'moment'. Brandon's earned the nickname of town Ogre and he really needed someone sweet to break him out of that icy and distant persona and get him living again. And Megan. She's dealt with some hard blows in life including a serious injury and desperately needed someone who saw...her. And not just her damaged bits.
“Open your eyes, Megan.”I loved watching them let down their defenses. Seeing that heat spark. A bit of sass work it's way in. I loved her creative spirit and his dependable solid personality. They were just good together. And there was a pup. Yall. I love when there are adorable pets and this guy was boisterous and darling. There was a little drama towards the end but they got their act together pretty quickly. It was a fun read that kept me smiling.
She forced herself to do as he asked, but she couldn’t meet his gaze. Instead, she focused on his chest.
“Look at me,” he said.
“I am.”
“My face,” he said with a soft chuckle. Gathering her nerve, she tipped her chin upward, meeting his gaze. “You. Are. Beautiful,” he said, enunciating each and every word. She smiled up at him, tears stinging the backs of her eyes.
The Narration: This is my second time with Kaleo Griffith and I'll listen to more of them for sure. I like his male voices quite a bit. His female voices are a spot husky but easy to adjust to. Nice pacing and flow really make for an enjoyable listen. It's a 7+ hour narration and it just flew by. Honestly I looked up and went no way! There's no way I've listened that much but...yeah. I sure had. lol
All work and no play just like his father had done leaves Brandon Barnes, the 'Ogre of Lone Tree', on the outside looking in when it comes to those around him. A man whose trust has been broken, leaving his heart guarded.
Megan McKinney, determined to put her painful past behind her, ends up stranded in Lone Tree, Montana. Love is the last things she’s looking for, but she soon finds herself falling for the gruff, unsmiling cowboy who rescued her. Now it’s her turn to rescue Brandon – from himself. So she sets out to teach him that life is meant to be enjoyed, not just lived. And that sometimes true happiness is only a smile away.
Amazon | Goodreads | Brookes on HCBS

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