Yall know I love to cook. And I share some seriously tasty treats here on the blog each month. But it's not always perfectly delicious. I know. I know. I totally broke the illusion. I, alas, am not a domestic goddess every damn second of the day. Sometimes I have flat out disasters. Anyone remember the Brownie Bowls from hell? Yeah.
And sometimes the recipes are just okay as they were. Something I didn't hate. Didn't love. Might make again one day with a few tweaks. Now and again I like to share those with yall. And so I present... some (semi) Tasty Delights and some Dazzling Disasters.
Tortilla Soup and I were not friends. This was a HelloFresh meal. It just wasn't my thing. Way too watery and not nearly enough flavor. I liked the idea of it, though, and it was easy. Made a HUGE amount. The pot was 4 servings but honestly was probably 8. If I did it again I'd cut the water by half so it was thicker and the flavor not so diluted. I also didn't like the tortillas they sent with it. They just didn't have the right flavor/texture to go with the soup. So a bit of a fail for me. I ended up tossing most of it.
Recipe is HERE.
My issue was the eggplant. Now, I love me some eggplant. But baked eggplant can be real iffy. It just goes kinda slimy I guess? So the texture of this dish didn't totally work for me. Especially as leftovers. I will make it again, though, but with fried eggplant, I think. That would be amazing I'm pretty sure.
Recipe is HERE.
And the Spring Roll Bowl was a GreenChef meal. I really liked the idea and enjoyed it to some extent. My issue was the cooking or lack there of. Most of the ingredients were raw and are ones I don't particularly like raw-- red pepper, snap peas, carrots when not in salad. I did like the colors and the noodles with veggies idea, though. I think I will make this again but lightly saute all of the veggies. I think overall it would have a better feel to the dish since there wouldn't be cold crisp veggies on warm cooked pasta. The edamame and jalapeno were cooked as well so it was just an odd mix of cooked vs uncooked. But. I did have radishes for, I think, the first time ever. And I didn't hate em! Woo! So a win on that front. lol
Recipe is HERE.

Tasty Delights and Dazzling Disasters is all about playing in the kitchen and having some fun.
I'll share my delights and my disasters. Want to share yours? Toss a post up on your blog and link back to here! And share in the comments! Don't have a blog? Add your adventures in the comments!
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