I wanted to meme. And only had one weekly post to do it. So there's a whole lotta memeage happening in this post. You might have to scroll down a bit to get the one you're looking for. 😸
On the reader/blogger front things were pretty light. It's been crazy and I just haven't had time or inclination for a lot of it. I did get some reading done. Finished up the Lucky Harbor series which I loved but am sad it's now over for me. *flails* lol Things will be light this next week on the blog by choice. I need to have some quiet so re-scheduled a lot for later this month. I'm a bit behind in commenting (again!) but hoping to find a little time to visit everyone and see what all of yall are up to :)
Just two. Both were good :) I still prefer the earlier Lucky Harbor books but had a good time with both He's So Fine and One in a Million.
Nothing! I need to decide. I think I need short so some sort of novella.
Cowboy Bold by Carolyn Brown
hosted by: That Artsy Reader Girl |
Top Ten: Books I Didn't DNF Quick Enough or Really Should Have DNFd
Okay so the original question was books I DNF-d too quickly. And honestly, I don't have any. If I DNF something there's a reason and absolutely no coming back from it. Yes. I'm a grudge holder. It applies to books, too. lol Most of these I should have DNFd but the masochist in me was too strong and wouldn't see reason. lol
Playing Hard to Master-- Lord the writing was SO bad. Terrible heroine, laughable dom. Should have DNFd.
Too Wild To Tame-- Awful heroine who robbed a fundraiser. Should have DNFd.
A Duke But No Gentleman-- That title is SO true. Scummy fucker! Should have DNFd.
Fifty Shades-- Made my eye want to bleed. What horrible writing. Should have
DNF'd by page 10 but I kept at it for weeks. Made it to 200ish pages
Lover Reborn-- He was such an asshole. My last BDB book. I was done. Should have DNFd.
Luckiest Cowboy of All-- Horrid heroine who needed to be crushed by a horse. Should have DNFd.
Playing Dirty-- They were just pathetic and mean. Should have DNFd.
Safe At Last-- She's relied too heavily on insta-love lately. I just didn't care for it. Should have DNFd.
Sharp Shootin' Cowboy-- Anti military activist heroine vs a military hero. I hated the heroine. Hated. Her. I made it to 56%
Wicked Ride-- Meh. It felt like fan fiction of JD Robb's series. Should have DNFd
hosted by: Coffee Addicted Writer
Question: What do you think your blog says about you?
A: Oh dear. Um. That I'm eclectic? Maybe? Lord help me if you include my blog's social media. Then cock crazy? ::snort:: I kind of do what I want and that's the same in real life. If something catches my eye...I try it. I like to experiment and try new things. I think maybe the better question is what do YALL think the blog says about me? lol
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