Friday, July 13, 2018

[memes] Awesome Novellas + my reading week

Note: I accidentally deleted 6 months of the blog so this is a repost. All comments on the original posts were unfortunately lost. Sorry!

I wanted to meme. And only had one weekly post to do it. So there's a whole lotta memeage happening in this post. You might have to scroll down a bit to get the one you're looking for. 😸

Hello long week! I had 9 days with no appointments then BOOM all the things! Both volunteer gigs, a vet visit, going out of town to visit a friend. All good things but woo! I need a nap! lol

I didn't do a ton of reading or blogging. The herd and house took up my time. Hoping to get around to visits this weekend.

Just two. A bit of a slow week.

Thirty and a Half Excuses-- I'm really loving these mysteries. They're solid and I enjoy the heroine (who has visions) and the varied men in her life. If they were cheaper I'd binge read all of them!

Instant Temptation-- Not bad but took me 5 days to finish. I had a couple scene issues but overall it was fun seeing these two tackle nature and each other.


I decided to do a kindle unlimited trial so I could finish this series up. I'm only like 5 pages in to Thirty-One and a Half Regrets so far. lol

1 star-- Satyr's Myst by Marie Harte
4.5 stars-- Emergency Delivery by Samanthe Beck

hosted by: That Artsy Reader Girl

Top Ten: Favorite Novellas/Short Stories


His for Christmas-- I love when they get snowed in and things heat up! Review | Amazon

Nice Girls Don't Ride-- a knight in tattooed armor rescuing the girl on the side of the road. So much fun Review | Amazon

Break Me Down-- So interesting. A domme and a hero who's a sub. It was very good and different for me. Review | Amazon

One Night of Trouble-- a "good boy" wanting to be a little bad. It was a fun slight enemies to lovers Review | Amazon

Hot Holiday Nights--Super sexy Christmas romance with two surfer buddies.  Review | Amazon


Keep Me, Cowboy-- the heroine just broke my heart. She's so sweet. Review | Amazon

Wild Things-- there's literally a crazy man eating house ha! Review | Amazon

Emergency Delivery-- so freaking sweet. Heroine kinda met her one true love while stranded on the side of the road pushing a tiny human out her hooha. Review | Amazon

The Dispatcher-- very unique you can't be murdered kind of sci-fi Review | Amazon

Saving the Sheriff-- warm Christmas fuzzies and so freaking cute! (t's another "snowed in" lol) and there are kidnapped reindeer. She had her reasons! Review | Amazon

Question: Does a cluttered blog have you not returning? By cluttered I mean too many columns, small type, too many photos, difficult to follow, etc. 
A: Hmmm. As long as I can easily find posts I'm usually okay. I already have my screen zoomed in because my eyes suck so small type isn't an issue. Funky fonts, though, might have me not coming back if I just cannot read the posts. One thing that has me skipping blogs is too many posts. If there are 10-20 posts going up a day I'm not likely to check in too often because it's overwhelming to me.

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