Thursday, September 27, 2012

Dirty Little Secrets...the new arrivals!

Dirty Little Secret is a weekly meme hosted by the ladies over at Under the Covers.

Every Thursday we get to know other bloggers and readers more intimately by asking them a question hoping to reveal their dirty little secrets.

Click on the button to join in or if you don't have a blog join in on the comments!

We wanna here from you too!

This week's question: 

With all the great releases out this month, which has been the one you have clicked up first?
And which has surprised you the most?

There were two I was just dying to read....Run the Risk by Lori Foster and All He Ever Needed by Shannon Stacey. LOVE these women! 

Yeah, Run the Risk really wasn't much of a surprise. I love Lori Foster and am almost never disappointed by her. The only one I haven't liked of hers was when she threw a random fantasy/time travel into a nonPNR series. But this one? Loved it. And can't wait for the next in the series :)

My big surprise was All He Ever Needed. The Kowalski family is one of my faves but this one was just an absolute dud. Like, struggling to even be 2 stars. I really didn't like much of anything about the book and have a really hard time believing the same woman wrote it as the first 3 in the series. Huge freaking surprise that broke my heart quite a bit.

So what about you? What were you looking forward to? 
And good surprises?  


  1. Don't tell me that about All He Ever Needed! *sob* I've been hoarding it, waiting for a quite moment to start it!

    1. Oh I hope you're one of the ones who love it Diana. I know a lot of people really did.

      It just didn't work for me this time. *sob* is right! But I haven't given up on her and still love the series :)

    2. That makes me feel a little better. I'm a mood reader and I don't want to start it until I'm absolutely sure I'm ready.

    3. LOL. I know that feeling. I have one sitting on my shelf that's been there since this summer. I love the author but just know I'm not in the right mood to really appreciate it.

  2. I'm so turned around right now, I don't even know what came out this month! LOL! I think I need more sleep. hehe

    -Amanda P
    Paranormal Romance

    1. lol. Um, okay ;) Hope whatever kept you up was *really* good!

  3. Also a big Lori Foster fan. And I loved Run the Risk.

    1. Ahh it was so good wasn't it? I can't wait for his brother's book. I think it's the last one in the series though.


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