Thursday, October 18, 2012

Cat Thursday... cats...books...cats...books...same thing?

Welcome to the weekly meme hosted by The True Book Addict that celebrates the wonders and sometime hilarity of cats! 

Join us by posting a favorite LOL cat pic you may have come across, famous cat art or even share with us pics of your own beloved cat(s). It's all for the love of cats! Enjoy! 


Um...can't have just one?!
I like to tie my Cat Thursday in with books if I can and this one just made me smile :)

~Featured Feline~
Show off your babies and send an email to  to have them featured! :)

This week I'm bringing you one of mine. 
Herd baby Gladys Joy!

Gladys is 4 years old and the girl's a total handful. 
If she wants something she's gonna let you know about it and let you know about it loudly! She's been a screamer since day one. If you've ever seen the cat yodeling videos Gladys was made for them and gets yodeled often. 

Gladys was a bottle baby who was abandoned the day she was born at a kill shelter.
She didn't give up her bottle until she was 9 weeks old. She LOVED that thing.

Gladys when she was about a pound with her brother Zack who is 140 pounds.

She's never been one bit shy about meeting people.
[Other than her grandmom that is. She's terrified of her and hides every time she visits even if it's for a week. No idea why. All the other herd babies LOVE grandma since she brings all the treats and spoils them]

Gladys dressed up as a cute little witch for Halloween.

Aaannnd Gladys protesting. This is more her style.

Gladys on her first real car trip to Florida.

My girlie all grown up. This was just a couple weeks ago lounging while we read. 

So. That's the herd baby.
We love her ridiculously even if she's a handful and tries to rule the roost :) 


  1. My babies are rescue babies ... or rather we rescued their Mom (Latte) and she had her babies in our closet. It was the most fun ten weeks ever watching Latte (who was a very strict, no nonsense Mom) raise her three boistrous little baby boys. In the end Latte and one little boy, Teddy, went to another home and Da Boyz stayed with us. There is nothing more joyous than a herd of cats. My cats are also a herd ... deemed so by our little Aussie who herds them all over the house. Anyway, I think we have discussed this before so I won't bore you any further ... Love Gladys, love that you rescued her ... Love your blog.

    Andrea @ From The Sol

    1. lol. Poor mama getting stuck with all those boys! It's so fun to see what type of mom's they'll be. I've had some that are no nonsense too and then others who act just like their babies. Glad your little boys got to stay together :) So fun to watch siblings grow up together!

      I love little kitten herds too. Gladys put an end to our kitten fostering though. She's definitely not a fan of them. Ended up pacing outside of their door growling for nearly a week last time. lol.

  2. Gladys is so pretty. I love seeing everyone's kitties. That is so cute her drinking from the bottle. She is lucky to have found you.
    Sue B

    1. Thanks Sue :) I'm pretty lucky to have her. The house wouldn't be the same without her :)

      I love hearing about everyone's herds too. Its so fun to see the things they come up with :)

  3. Oh my gosh those pictures are so cute, especially the one with the bottle! I wish I could get a cat, I've always wanted one, but because my schedule is so crazy it is just not fair to the animal :(. Maybe another year though, the vet school in my town has a great program for fostering animals while they try to adopt them out. It keeps the animals in good homes while they search for something permanent and subsidizes the cost for the people fostering.

    1. Thanks Alicia :) I loved bottle feeding her. It was such an experience. That last bottle was hard!

      Fostering would be wonderful way to go. It's such a needed thing and does wonders for the animals. I hope you get to foster a little one soon! You'll have to post some pictures once you do :)

  4. Great pictures! Gladys looks a bit like my Trudy.

    1. Thanks Yvonne :) I loved all the grey kitties today. They're all so gorgeous!

  5. What a lovely kitten she was - and she is still very pretty. I almost bought a sooty grey cat (blue russian) but ended adopting a rescue cat - a ginger one. Your Gladys was such a tiny , little one. I think my Melody was too - but hard to imagine now that she is so big. I do remember her sitting on my shoulder like a bird!

    1. Aw. Rescue babies are the best. Everyone but the turtle at our house came through one rescue or another. Melody is a beautiful girl. I'm right there with you. It's amazing to look back on pictures and think that Gladys used to fit in my palm! Love that Melody was a should kitty. LOL. One of my mom's is like that but he never grew out of it :)

  6. Gladys is beautiful! She was so tiny when you first got her. Reminds me of my Emory when we found him on the woodpile out back in the rain. He weighed almost 2 lbs. Now he's a whopping 23 lbs. I love her pictures for Halloween. :)

    1. Thanks Leah :) I still can't believe how tiny she was. I have a tendency to dress my girlies up. They've got a full wardrobe that spans the decades. Last time my mom visited I had them all decked out in their ballgowns. Was an absolute hoot ;)

      Your Emory is a BIG boy! Poor baby being out in a woodpile. Glad he found yall and has made up for lost time! Love those big boys :)

  7. Ahhhh babies...dies from the cutes!

    1. lol. She was a pretty cute baby. Mamma gets to see her little devil horns though ;)

  8. Love the poster at the true! And I LOVE Gladys! She is so adorable. Looking at those pics of her as a baby and in that witch costume...what a sweet girl. You are so lucky to have a great cat like that. We are all lucky to have our wonderful kitties. =O)

    1. Thanks Michelle. I'll second that. We're all very lucky indeed :) I'm loving "meeting" everyone's herds. So many pretty little ones!


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