Saturday, June 3, 2017

Get Social Begins! June 4-17

***If you have trouble commenting on a blog please contact THAT blogger via their social media platforms. Since I don't have emails for anyone there's nothing I can do on that front.***

Guys! It's time to Get Social! 

We officially have... 56 blogs signed up. 
If you're part of the event please read this post!
(I realized too late the link up didn't ask for email addresses so couldn't email everyone this info lol)

Holy cow. Now, don't panic!

I know that was WAY more blogs signed up than expected. The initial goal was to visit every blog once per week (two times total) during the event. It comes out to right around 8 blog visits a day if you break it down daily. So not TOO bad. If you can visit everyone each week that's awesome!

But if that's a bit too overwhelming--especially if you have blogs you already visit--please don't panic and feel like you need to pull out of the event. I've got a plan! Bwahaha

Simply put...plan is to visit as many blogs as you can. Please start with the blog AFTER your name on the linky list. That way everyone should get visits and no one will be accidentally missed. Does that make sense?

We start tomorrow officially (June 4) but you can start early if you're so inclined. :) 

Please remember: 
  • This event is all about checking out new blogs and reacquainting yourself with ones you maybe lost touch with over the years.
  • It's okay if not every blog is for you in the long run. Still try to stop by during the event and say hey even if it's not your genre of focus.
  • When you visit feel free to mention you're part of Get Social AND leave a link to your blog so they know how to reach you, too.
Please let me know if there are any concerns or questions during the event. I'll be around the whole time so hunt me down on social media, the blog or via email ( If things go well this might be something we do a couple times a year so be sure to let me know what you think. 

Alright. That's it from me. I'll do a mid-event check in with everyone but other than that have fun being all social :) 


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I always enjoy hearing what YOU think so come on and leave a comment. Everyone's welcome :) And feel free to leave comments on old posts. I'll check in on you there too :)

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