Thea is a star basketball player at UConn on track to be Rookie of the Year. That is, if she can stay focused on the game. Lately that hasn’t been going so well, as her knee has been bothering her. But that’s not the only thing on her mind…
Ever since rock star Keaton Lowe surprised her in the girl’s locker room, Thea can’t stop thinking about him. On top of his status and enticing ways, he seems to know everything about her. But some of his actions cross the line, and Keaton needs to be punished. Will Thea keep her head in the game, or get distracted by her other favorite pastime—reprimanding her rock star?
Type: New Adult, Erotic
Heat: 3.5 out of 5--light BDSM
Rating: 3 out of 5
Amazon | Goodreads
Well that was cute! How to Reprimand Your Rock Star was a fun little jaunt as a young basket ball star runs into a sexy rock star and the two heat things up while getting to know each other and realizing they might just have a little kink between them. Ooo la la!
Story--There wasn't too much happening here but it was still fun even if I don't think it'll stick with me long term. Basically Thea and Keaton meet by chance when he's invaded her team's locker room before a show he's playing at their stadium and kinda steals her clothes while she's in the shower. lol There's this kinda insta-chemistry happening and the two end up getting to know each other as she discovers her inner Domme and he gives up control to her as they fight against their crazy schedules--his tour and her basketball championship--and try to spend time together.
Characters--I liked both Keaton and Thea though I liked him a good deal more. He's a sexy rocker and has a little bit of woo-woo going. Almost like he's psychic. The man just...knows things. It wasn't really explored like I'd hoped but still the man was sexy and sweet. Thea was a bit too young for me at 19. So harder to relate to with her inexperience in pretty much every aspect of life and how she always tried to get away with things--like skipping practice to be with Keaton. Wasn't my favorite of qualities. Though I did like seeing her grow in her confidence as things progressed and how open she was to learning about a new lifestyle.
Heat-- There is some steam happening! It's BDSM-esk since she's exploring being a Domme and learning about the BDSM lifestyle from her kinky fairy god mother (the teams house mom) It deviates a bit from what's generally accepted as a foundation in these types of reads--ex there's mention that the Domme holds the power when typically emphasis is put on the subs being the one with the power since they can make everything stop when they want. So might not work on every level for those that read BDSM. But still steamy and if you can get past little quibbles like that some good sexy fun.While it might not have blown me away How to Reprimand Your Rock Star was still cute and cheeky. There was some humor happening and some great secondary characters I wouldn't mind getting to know better. It was a nice diversion for an afternoon and one I don't regret spending a spot of time with.
Have you read Vaughn?
How young is too young for your heroine to be?
If you read BDSM do you get a little on edge when things aren't portrayed in the typical fashion?
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