A Bucket List with a herding cats twist. lol
Each month I'm going to pick out...something to do or try and then give myself the entire month to make it happen. It's not going to be the typical "bucket list" kinda things but still in that spirit.
They won't all be big things.Some will be fun, some serious, some easy or a little more complex.Things I've wanted to see or do, projects around the house, things on the blog, etc.
Everyone is welcome to join in if they'd like!Create a blog post or add what you're doing in the comments!
Well...I'm working on it!
My August goal was to finish a cross stitch, try a nailpolish bookmark project and finish my closets.

The cross stitch. Well. I may have been a wee bit optimistic there.
So I picked one my mom gave me like 10 years ago. One she'd had since before I was born and had planned to make for me but never did. It's a Christmas stocking and freaking HUGE.
Like two feet long by 1 food wide. And holy crap it's taking me forever! But I am working on it. I'm going to try to finish it by Christmas. lol I almost decided to change patterns and do something smaller but I'd really love to get this one done. It's officially 32 years in the making and about damn time! ::snort::
I did do the nail polish bookmarks and I freaking LOVE them.
I'm thinking I might keep making these and do some bookish themes and put them up for sale once I get them down pat.
I have...no idea!
I'm going to keep working on past Bucket List Goals at least.
So closets will continue and so will that cross stitch.
Okay, okay. I figured out my September item!
My mom is going to be coming to town for a week and I'm going to take her to a town event.In Sept and Oct Cary does live bands/shows in downtown one night a week where you can take picnic items and listen to music on a stage they set up outside. I've driven by but never gone. Anyways. I'm thinking that's what we'll do and hopefully a couple friends will come out with us then do dinner maybe at a new to us restaurant :)
What about yall? Are there any new projects or events you'd like to try in Sept?
It doesn't have to be the same as mine. Sky's the limits :)

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