Hey guys! Today we've got Paige Tyler joining us today! She's a favorite her on the blog with her yummeh shifters. She's chatting her newest release Her Fierce Warrior today. Yall check it out then hit those comments and leave Paige some love! Oh and there's a giveaway too :D ~anna
That’s pretty easy—and it’s not even close. It would be Minka Pajari. I know you probably think I’m saying that because she’s the heroine of my newest book HER FIERCE WARRIOR, but I was definitely channeling my inner hybrid when I wrote about her.

To give you an example, here’s a little snippet of from HER FIERCE WARRIOR showing how excited Minka is over a plush animal. The hero—hunky Special Forces soldier Angelo Rios—has taken Minka to a restaurant called Ted’s Montana Grill (a real place in Washington DC that hubby and I have gone to a bunch). The place has kind of a Bison motif going on as far as décor, and Angelo buys Minka a stuffed Bison:
“Did you see that bison on the wall there? He’s so big. And so cute.”
Angelo grinned. “I thought you might say that. That’s why I got a smaller version.” He took the plush animal from inside his jacket, where he’d been hiding it, and placed it on the table. “This is Ted.”
Minka’s eyes glistened with tears as she stared at it. Crap, what had he done wrong? He’d thought she’d love it.
But then she grabbed the toy in one hand, threw her arms around Angelo, and squeezed him so hard his ribs creaked.
“Thank you,” she said against his chest. “He’s perfect.”
This is exactly the way I behave when my hubby buys me a cute stuffed toy!
Then there’s the fact that Minka blushes at the drop of a hat whenever she has naughty thoughts about her hunky SF guy, as highlighted in this snippet:
Angelo pulled his uniform overshirt over his head without undoing the buttons, which she thought was a pretty impressive feat. Then she saw what he was hiding under there and decided the view was much more impressive. Technically, he was still clothed, but the light tan T-shirt was really tight, and she didn’t have to use her imagination very much to figure out there were a lot of muscles under it. Just the sight of his big arms rippling as he moved was enough to make Minka catch her breath.Even though I’ve been known to write a spicy scene or two (or a whole spicy book!), I’m usually blushing the whole time I do it. See? I’m just like Minka!
When he reached behind his head to pull off his T-shirt, Minka found herself licking her lips in anticipation. She felt bad for watching him like this, but she couldn’t help herself. Then she looked up and saw Angelo regarding her with an amused expression on his handsome face.
“I understand why you want to keep the door open, and I’m okay with that,” he said. “But you might want to look the other way for this part.”
Minka felt heat rush to her face. She nodded and stepped out of the doorway, turning to sit down on the floor beside the bathroom like Angelo had done. Her fingers dug into the stuffed sloth’s fur. She was glad he couldn’t see her face because it was probably bright red. Why had she been staring like that?
Then there’s Minka’s relationship with her soldier. She’s never more relaxed and at ease than when she’s in his arms. That’s me, too. I much prefer to be at home snuggling on the couch with my own (retired) soldier than doing anything else in the world.
There you go. That’s me. Paige Tyler being Minka!
The woman tensed. As anger and fear ricocheted across her face, her eyes changed from red to green to brown in a dizzying display like nothing he’d ever seen.
Every instinct in Angelo’s body screamed at him to lunge for his weapon. Instead he set his feet for impact, blocking her slashing claws. Unbelievably, after a few moments of struggling, she went still, all the fight gone…
Minka isn’t sure she should trust the sexy Special Forces soldier who found her. Subjected to horrors, on the run from scientists set on locking her in a cage, Minka is terrified of the monster she’s becoming…and somehow, Angelo is the only one who can calm the beast inside her and make her feel safe.
But can she trust the way he makes her feel when she’s not even sure she can trust herself?

*covers link to Amazon
Paige Tyler is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of sexy, romantic fiction. Paige writes books about hunky alpha males and the kick-butt heroines they fall in love with. She lives with her very own military hero (a.k.a. her husband) and their adorable dog on the beautiful Florida coast.
Find Paige online
Website | Facebook | Twitter | Pinterest | On herding cats
Website | Facebook | Twitter | Pinterest | On herding cats

Paige has TWO copies of His Fierce Warrior up for grabs today!
Ends 3/10, US only
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