Note: I accidentally deleted 6 months of the blog so this is a repost. All comments on the original posts were unfortunately lost. Sorry!
I wanted to meme. And only had one weekly post to do it. So there's a whole lotta memeage happening in this post. You might have to scroll down a bit to get the one you're looking for. 😸
Whew! It's been a busy week again. Lots of couponing (our store is having a big event), the USO, the food pantry, house projects, herding. Blog Ahead started and I'm making slow progress on that. But at least I'm doing posts! I haven't formatted posts since early July. So it's a good thing even if slow. lol
My shopping this week. Couponing is the best. I actually got paid 12.21 to buy all of this. lol One more day of the event (today) and I'm done! I have a couponing group if you'd like to join. I'm slowly doing things in there, too :)
Her Cowboy Billionaire Best Friend-- Hero/heroine are 40! And neighbors. And known each other since they were kids. I liked it. Nice Christmasy aws were had.
Close to the Bone/A Bone to Pick-- Both were great! It's a co-written series set on an island off Washington. Nice mystery and some very very light touches of potential romance.
I *just* started Whiskey Rebellion but so far it's fun. The heroine is a bit flighty/head in the clouds but I'm enjoying it. She's fixing to be a private eye to help pay for a house she wants to buy. Stripping...didn't work out.
Daughters of the Lake was my Prime freebie.
They really have lousy choices.
Keep Me, Cowboy by Nicole Helm
Ha! I was not feeling planning this week.
hosted by: That Artsy Reader Girl |
Top Ten: Longest Books I’ve Ever Read
Soo I'm just going by ones that have pages marked on Goodreads. Books over 600 pages. So some might have been missed if they didn't have pages recorded on there.
Acheron by Sherrilyn Kenyon (728)
Incubus Dreams by Laurell K Hamilton (722)
Lover Mine by JR Ward (656)
Narcissus in Chains by Laurell K Hamilton (644)
Eclipse by Stephanie Meyer (629)
Stray by Rachel Vincent (618)
I enjoyed most of these. I wasn't all that impressed by Meyer. Way too simplistic for me. But I'd alredy been reading vampires and shifters for a long while before them and by amazing authors at the time. So. lol
hosted by: Coffee Addicted Writer
Question: If you HAD to read one of these two genres, which would you prefer -- urban fantasy or horror, and why?
A: Oh Urban Fantasy. That's where I cut my reading teeth. lol Ilona Andrews, Patricia Briggs, Rachel Caine, Keri Arthur, Chloe Neill, Laurell K Hamilton. *gimme* I loved the action, the characters, the tiny bits of romance added in on them. Yeah. There's a lot of UF in my library even if I don't read TOO much these days. I pretty much burned myself out pre-blog.
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