I've been in a food funk lately. Not that I've not been enjoying what I'm making but I just wasn't trying anything new, really. And I was missing that bit of creativity and adventure in the kitchen.
A 16 hour rainy day proved just the thing I needed to get back in the kitchen and try something new. This time a Sweet Potato Chickpea Stew.
Just a handful of ingredients. I did alter mine just a little. I left out cilantro and a bit of lemon juice. Cilantro because...ew. And lemon just because I was out and no way I was going out in that rain. I also switched out my lentils. It called for red but those suckers were 5.99 a tiny bag vs .89 for regular.
Yall know what my cheap ass decided on that. lol
The original recipe also called for a pressure cooker. I don't have one of those so the stovetop it was. It worked out fine.
I sauted my onions just a bit then tossed in everything else.
Then cooked for 25-30 minutes until the sweet potatoes and lentils were tender.
At that point blend about 1/4th of the soup to give it a thicker broth.
A little sour cream and green onions from the garden and done.
This was so good! It was warm and hearty and perfect for a cold rainy day.
It was very easy, too, other than the whole dicing the sweet potatoes. Those things are HARD! lolI'll definitely make this one again. No question.
I do think I'll add a little kale or spinach in to give it a bit more color pop next time. But really it was pretty perfect as it was.
INGREDIENTS2 tbsp olive oil/or butter1 can chickpeas, drained/deskinned1 onion diced3 garlic cloves minced2 tsp ginger paste1 tsp salt1 tsp paprika1 tsp ground cumin14oz canned diced tomatoes2 sweet potatoes peeled/diced1 cup dry lentils (rinse)5 cups vegetable brothSalt and pepper to tasteDIRECTIONS
- Saute onion in oil/butter then add seasonings, chickpeas, sweet potato, broth, lentils and mix
- Bring to a boil then simmer until sweet potatoes/lentils are tender
- Blend 1/4th of the soup to create a thicker broth
- Serve with sour cream, chives/green onion/seeds/etc
Tasty Delights and Dazzling Disasters is all about playing in the kitchen and having some fun.I'll share my delights and my disasters. Want to share yours? Toss a post up on your blog and link back to here! And share in the comments! Don't have a blog? Add your adventures in the comments!
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