Knox was the type of guy you gravitated to, who stood out in the crowd. It wasn't just his classically good-looking features and perpetual five o’clock shadow. It was his raw energy that entranced me, that made me feel like a giggly, fumbling high school girl, happy to be in his presence.Breaking the Storm was a pretty unique and enjoyable little paranormal romp filled with sexy rock stars, a centuries old curse and a rekindled romance with all kinds of smexy drama goodness. Oh, and a little kinkery fun thrown into the mix. Score!
It didn't matter that he initially thought I was some bored, rich girl trying to live out some wild fantasy of being with a starving musician. It was uncomplicated and that's what we both wanted. At least that's what I convinced myself. I wasn't ready to admit to myself that my feelings for Knox were getting dangerously deep—waiting to lay siege on my heart. I was falling for him… and this was dangerous. The rules were clear: falling in love would obligate me to expose what I truly was, setting in motion his slow march to death.
Type: New Adult, Paranormal Romance (shifters/witches/fae), BDSM
Heat: 3 out of 5
Rating: 3 out of 5
Amazon Goodreads
Alright, so, Knox and Stormy have some history. They were together years earlier but of some malicious meddling coupled with her fear of her family curse--that any man she loved would die--Stormy took off and left Knox behind. It's been a few years and, damn the fates, their paths cross again and all of those raw, tender emotions pretty much blow up in their faces.
I thought this was a little different--and I love when authors do something unique. Stormy and her family are Fae-Witches that run an otherworld escort service. They're the black sheep of the otherworld because of their bloodlines but their services are in high demand. Stormy and her cousin have been put in charge while their mothers are away on vacation and all hell has broken lose. Missing escorts, nosy reporters and blasted demanding clients causing trouble. And one of those demanding clients is none other than Knox who is insisting that Stormy take the place of his missing escort and act as his submissive or he'll ruin her family's company. Oh the dramas. lol
Hands down, there's nothing hotter than a rocker. Beauty is truly a tattooed front man who is sexy as hell.Tensions are high and these two have all kinds of frustrations/anger/turmoil over the past and how things ended. But the connection and desire are right there for the ride as well. For the most part I liked Knox and Stormy. Knox is quite the alpha male even if he's frustrating and ventures into alphahole territory more than once. A couple times I wanted to smack him and his werewolf ass right good but he was still sexy and hot and damn me, a man that'll write you songs? Weak in the knees moment there ladies.
Stormy took me a little time to warm up to. She's battling her inner desires to be submissive and dealing with the frustration of having to deal with Knox but she keeps her back up and works it. Even if she felt a touch immature at times she was doing the best she could and grew on me.

more than once in trying to figure out what was going on. Just a little niggle that I was missing something. But as the story progressed I fell more into the rhythm of things and enjoyed seeing it all come together.
Have you read Sedona Venez? What did you think?
What's your favorite para or rockstar world?
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