Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Photo-a-Day Challenge! Days 6-9

Whew I got a little behind in my linking up. Dang blast real life taking over! lol So a few days catch up for my pics. I think I'll update every few days here on out. Hope yall are having a good time snapping some pics! I'll be around to visit everyone shortly :)   ~Anna
Challenge runs from June 10th-June 30th with a photo prompt per day (see below image). It's a totally flexible challenge and all about having fun!

WHAT TO POST: Follow the daily photo prompt. It's listed out below!

WHERE TO POST: Anywhere you'd like--Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, On your actual blog in a daily post (or weekly or once at the end of the month), Tumblr, etc.

WHEN TO POST: This one is really flexible. Do a daily posting, one every few days, one at the end of the event with all the photos in it.

WHO CAN JOIN: Everyone is welcome. Author, blogger, readers.

Hope you'll join in! There will be a linky list for you to add your photos. It's got an image option so just upload what you have and the link to where it's posted. If you have any questions just let me know. Oh and feel free to share the challenge! It's also okay to join in late. Just get yourself caught up however you'd like :)

DAY 6 (childhood)

Growing up my granddad ALWAYS had hershey's kisses around.
I swear. My cousins and I were certain he invented them. lol
He was always sneaking them to us or had them in this neat wooden jar we could pilfer.
They still make me smile thinking on them :)

Day 7 (food)

Annnd...dinner. Couscous pasta, spinach and a lemon sauce.
I don't know why I love it.
It's one of those that I kinda don't like the taste but I totally do.
And when I need a comfort food I go to.
Weird but there ya go.

Day 8 (inspire)

I found this book a few years ago and just love it.
I wish I kept up with it more often.
It's basically a list of some fun, some silly, some serious things to do before you die.
Plus spaces to add your own.
I've had a good time with it so far :)

Day 9 (stripes)

A fun little cat stained glass window I won a bit back at an auction.
He's a little goofy but I kinda love him :)

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[Are you a blogger? Leave your link so I can visit you too! ~Anna]

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