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Hey everyone! Alright so Audra North is here today for a meme-jack! She's sharing a couple quotes and why she enjoyed them from an anthology she's part with a handful of authors. They're donating proceeds for the anthology to RAINN which is the largest anti-sexual violence organization in the United States.
Alright coming up...Audra North and some quotes she loved...
from The Heart of It by Molly O’Keefe
In Molly's, this one is so awesome because the moment of intimacy between them is a small thing that happens really often between couples everywhere, but it's the next big step for the hero and heroine. It's like watching a bunch of people draw straws, and there's only one left, and you know it's the short one. Like, something major has yet to happen, but it hasn't happened quite yet.
and from Real Feelings by Charlotte Stein...She slipped her hand into his, curled the back of it against his palm like some warm trusting thing, and his body exploded into physical life. He felt his blood vessels, the blood thudding through them, the twitch of his hamstrings. The ache of his lungs. He felt all of it. All of himself. In the presence of her.
“Mike?”He lifted his eyes to hers, a starving man, helpless under her brown gaze. No doubt he was revealing all of his desire. No doubt he was practically drooling.Mike. Right. That’s me.Before he could say anything she leaned forward and short-circuited his brain with the warmth of her cheek inches from his. “Would you like to go downstairs?” she whispered in his ear. “To my room?”
In Charlotte's story, the scene kind of sums up everything. She (the heroine) wants him (the hero). But she's a human and he's an android, so struggling through that want, which feels confusing to the heroine, is what this story is about. I love this quote because Charlotte has a gift for making readers feel intensely and this passage does that so well--makes us feel immediately what the conflict of the heroine is about.
“What would you like me to do today?” he asks, and in response the same thing happens, every time. My face heats with the understanding of what I bought him for. Experience all the joys of a real relationship, without any of the risks, the advert said, but everyone knows what that really means.Including him.He’s asking me if I’d like him to fuck me, just as he’s been programmed to do. And I don’t know what’s worse: that I requested this in the first place, or that I want him to, good god, I want him to. In spite of the body bag, the instruction manual, the knowledge that I bought myself a living breathing sex toy . . . I want him to.Amazon | Goodreads
So, what's YOUR favorite quote this week?
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