Mornin' Shelly! Welcome to the madness that is the herd! *whispers...mind that little grey one...she's cute but she's feisty as hell, Would totally get along with Livy and her honey badger self. Mmhmm* Anywho. Come on in, come on in. So, how are things going over in your neck of the woods?
<After desperately trying to get the door open but finding it locked…>
Hi. <forces smile with clenched teeth> I’m fine. And you?Oh good, good. You know. Herding the herd and whatnot. So *raises right eyebrow* Um, you gonna come in Shelly? I mean I guess we can do the interview like this *scratches head*...if you want...but, um, most authors come in and have cookies or something while we chat but...*shrugs* Okay *fluffs up some pillows and gets comfy while muttering about those weird artist types and their quirks*
Sooo...for those who haven't met your Pride Series crew...say you only had 20 seconds to bring on a case of "omg grabby hands" what would you tell them about the books/characters you write?
<rubbing eye that keeps twitching> I write stories about strong men who fall for females who would pick up a baseball bat and go to town on anyone that tried to be “grabby hands” with them. Because, ya know…grabby hands.
Hmmm yeah I can see that happening. Might be worth it though. That's some prime beefcake going on there. *ponders how quickly she could move after going a little grabby hands* So. I've been totally smitten with your Pride series since they landed in my hands years ago--was one of the first series I read. Can you tell us 3 fun/sexy behind the scenes facts about the series?
I got the idea for Sissy Mae Smith’s car-loving, fast-driving ways from my mom. You’d never know from looking at her, but that Southern Belle was quite the lead-foot. She’d street race random guys in her 1950s Ford housewife car and win.
I created Bo, my OCD, organization-obsessed hero from BEAST BEHAVING BADLY, because I really needed my old apartment cleaned and I didn’t want to do it myself.
Dee-Ann Smith’s deadly daddy, Eggie Smith, was based on my grandfather from North Carolina who made his own moonshine and if he didn’t like you, he just got up and left the room until you went away. I find I’m a lot like him.Oh lordy but I have SO had the urge to do that. *nods* Not during an interview or anything. Swears! Okay. Well. Maybe. There was this one time. *flutters hands* Anyways. So now that their series is over is there a chance these guys will pop into different series for little guest appearances one day?
Hrms. Well that's good to know. So, now that these guys (and gals) all have their happily ever afters...what would be their perfect group Christmas with their new, erm, relations?I have no idea. I never know what I’m going to do with a book until I sit down to work on it. But I would never rule that out.
A perfect group Christmas for most of my heroes and heroines would be Christmas spent not as a group.::snort:: Lord love em. *looks sideways* can't say's as I'd blame em for that. lol Alright-- you sure you're good out there? okay well moving on then--I'd love to hear about your Dragon Kin group...
I do love me some snarky cocky dragons! What's the first thing that pops into your mind about your Dragon Kin crew?
The beauty of their arrogance.
Annwyl talking to the dragon ruler of the Northlands:
“And you’re very handsome. I see why Keita chose you. She does like her males handsome…and kind of stupid.”Well...isn't that always the best? I do adore Annwyl :) Hrms. So, hands down best thing about Celyn the Charming?
That he can ask so many questions (because he’s so bloody curious) that eventually you’re begging him to stop. Begging.What about Elina Shestakova of the Black Bear Riders of the Midnight?
Oh. You have to get it right or Elina gets cranky. She’s Elina Shestakova of the Black Bear Riders of the Midnight Mountains of Despair in the Far Reaches of the Steppes of the Outerplains. And yes, she expects you to learn that entire name the first time and then use it when etiquette dictates.::snort:: Yeah she's totally gonna have to attempt kicking my ass cus...that ain't happening. *waves* Hey Elina darlin.
And the best thing about Elina is her very dry sense of humor. Like Sahara dry.Hrms. I see you ignoring that. I sure do. Hrmf. Anyways. Now, if Celyn could get away with anything...what would he pick?
He’s a dragon. He gets away with anything he wants.Heh. Lucky bastard. Of all your characters--Pride, Dragon Kin, etc--if you could hang out with any of them for 24 hours who would you pick and what would yall get up to? And *raises eyebrow* would bail money be a wise call?
I’d hang out with the dragons and Annwyl. And bail money is always necessary when it comes to my heroines. Not the heroes but the heroines.Ohmygod. That would be incredibly fun :) Favorite holiday inspired Man Candy? Pictures are welcome!
Wait…what?Oh Shelly. You really must get out more. Erm. I guess you are outside right now. But you know what I mean. Holiday inspired man candy...see?
Hrm. I wonder if the Shaw brothers would be up for making one of these *swoons a little * Erm. Okay...Yard gnomes or pink flamingos? And would they get dressed up for the holidays?

Weirdest thing you've gotten in a Christmas stocking?
My family never put stuff in stockings, which in retrospect is kind of weird. We had a tree, lights, lots of presents. So we celebrated the holiday. But no stockings until us kids moved out, and then they were just decorations with our names on it. There were no gifts in it.
Huh. Now I feel like I’ve missed out on something. Thanks for that.::sniff:: I'm crying for wee little Shelly.
I'm completely freaked out by...?
You.Um....*looks down at the girls and back up* Uh. Thanks? I mean I guess they're a wee bit perky. *mumbles once again about odd authorly people*
You’re really perky.
So. uh...*scrambles past the awkward* Best Christmas leftover?
Turkey, rice, and gravy.*raises eyebrow* Rice? Best "burning soup" moment?
Gloriously tacky winter wonderland or totally scrooging it?I used baking powder instead of baking soda in my chocolate chip cookies once. I wondered why they looked so cake-y. Fixed it before the party but still…it was weird.
Scrooging it because nothing is more depressing to me than taking all the stuff down on January 2nd. It’s so sad.
That and if I put up a tree, my dog will just pee on it.Um January 2nd? Hell. I'm leaving that shit up until like July. Totally doing the whole "Christmas in July" shtick. It's legit. I can pull that off I'm sure. Alright before you head out. I just gotta ask. I was so excited to hear about your new series--Call of Crows- that's coming out in March. Any juicy/scandalous gossip you can share with us about what's coming our way?
I’m a writer. We don’t have juicy/scandalous gossip. We sit, we write, we complain, some drink, some eat copious amounts of chocolate (that may be me), and then we do it all over again.
Thankfully, the books I write are MUCH more interesting than my personal life.Hms. The chocolate does sound good. Anywho. Thanks so much for dropping in Shelly! Hope yall have a fabulously fun Christmas and New Years!
You’re welcome…but can you unlock the door now? Otherwise I’m going to start screaming. Seriously. I have lungs like a moose. My grade school teachers used me to quiet auditoriums filled with screaming children. Do the math on that. The cops will come.Uh. Shelly? You know you just have to turn the door handle to the right...right? Just a wee little push. *hangs head* Alright chicklets yalls turn. While Shelly warms up a bit and has a cookie yall have any questions or comments for her?
The trouble with humans is that they're far too sensitive. Forget you put a woman in the local jail for a few months--and she takes it so personally! And yet she is the one trying to assassinate the queen. And now I'm trapped with Elina Shestakova of the Black Bear Riders of the Midnight…gods! That endless name!But what am I to do? I am Celyn the Charming with direct orders from my queen to protect this unforgiving female.Even more shocking, this unforgiving female is completely unimpressed by me. How is that even possible? But I know what I want and, for the moment, I want her. And I'm sure that she, like all females, will learn to adore me. How could she not when I am just so damn charming?
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Originally from Long Island, New York, New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Shelly Laurenston has resigned herself to West Coast living which involves healthy food, mostly sunny days, and lots of guys not wearing shirts when they really should be. Shelly Laurenston is also The New York Times and USA Today Bestselling author G.A. Aiken, creator of the Dragon Kin series. For more info on G.A.’s dangerously and arrogantly sexy dragons, check out her website at
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