Wednesday, December 31, 2014

The Monthly Herd: December Recap!

Holy cow. I can't believe 2014 is over! And I survived!!! I didn't always think that would be the case. Whew! Thank you all for being part of the year in all of your different ways. For commenting, for hanging out on social media, for prayers for the herd when we were struggling earlier this year, for everything really. Yall are awesome and I'm so very glad to know each of you.

So. December! It was quite the month with Authors for the Holidays :) There were a TON of author visits. And a big giveaway too! That will be open until January 7th so yall hit up the authors you've not visited yet and enter the giveaways! They're all linked below.

Other than that it was a pretty quiet month here. I've been doing a lot of prep for 2015 and working on new graphics for some of the blog features. Figuring out what I want to do with the blog in a new year and whatnot. I can't wait! Oh! I do have one new thing! I'm hosting a reading challenge in 2015. New To You reads. It's VERY flexible. Basically anything new--genre, author, reading a debut book, a first in a series book, etc. Hope yall will join in! Anywho. On with the Dec recap...

Aaaaannnnd Authors for the Holidays happened. Holy cow but we had a LOT of authors drop by this year. 

Yup that's right! Our annual yall interviewing me went up. Heh.
It was...interesting. lol

It was a pretty light review month. There was just too much going on with AFTH.
I'll be making up for that in January :D Had some amazing reads though--especially In Bed with a Spy. Holy cow. 

10 books for review
5 new to me authors
Favorite book-- In Bed with a Spy
Least Favorite--Jason

Do you? If so come find me! If can join using our referral code.. herdingcats!
It's a nice place. Not quite FB but it's not bad :)


Aaaaand that was it for December 2014.
Calling it a wrap on this year.
Thank you all so much for being a part of it and making it an incredibly blogging year.
Check back tomorrow!
We'll be turning 3!! Woots!

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