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Soooo! Tiffany King is one of my New Adult authors I adore. She brings something special to the table with opposites attracting and she really makes her characters grow which I love. There's usually a good mix of serious and funny and this was one of those totally made me snort moments. Trent's been smitten with Tressa but she's not seen him that way until she arrives at his apartment a bit before he's ready. There's a review happening down below too if you wanna check it out :D
"How'd your test go yesterday?" he asked, oblivious to the fact that I was secretly wishing for his towel to drop.For the love of my horny sanity, could you please put on some close before I tear my panties off and jump on you? The words bounced around in my head like a rogue Ping-Pong ball. I was practically changing them."Sorry. I'll go get dressed," he said, giving me a strange look.No way, did I utter that out loud? Please for the love of horny bitches everywhere, tell me that was all in my head. Son of a bitch, I couldn't remember. I was stuck in some hypnotized dick trance.
Contradictions (Woodfalls Girls #3) by Tiffany King
Heat: 3 out of 5 (though very limited)
Rating: 4 out of 5
The party girl and the geek. Polar opposites, unrequited love, a life altering tragedy and the struggles to become a person you might actually be proud of...Yeah...Contradictions...was an intense, funny, sweet and heart warming read that had me in tears and heartbroken, frustrated and in the end completely proud of who the characters became.
The quick of it is that Trent and Tressa are from the same home town and he's had a crush on her for quite some time but Tressa is all about appearances and having fun. She's got nothing in common with the geeky boy making eyes at her but all the partying has caught up with her and now if she wants to stay in school she's going to need his help to work her way out of the ditch she's dug in all her classes. Coupled with a horrible tragedy that rocks the campus Tressa starts seeing that maybe the life she lived really wasn't worth anything and the boy she's never given the time of day will be the one to help her find who she really is, what's buried under all the partying and who she ought to be.

I really liked these two together. They're vastly different but they're nice together. Helping each other in different ways to become better more well rounded people. Tressa. Whew. When things started I really wasn't a huge fan. She's not a terrible person just wild and reckless and not one I could really relate to but as events unfold. Damn but the girl impressed me. She's sarcastic and has a mouth on her and I rather enjoyed that. And then Trent... the boy was just great. I love nerdy heroes who are more than they appear. Who have dry whit and can surprise you with some sexy manly displays. Who are sweet and brilliant and a little quirky. So I was pretty damn smitten and rooting for them to figure it all out.
This one is a New Adult and takes place on campus with all that comes with. There's an underlying theme that was pretty hard to watch--hazing gone wrong. I could see where things were going before they happened but I still felt rather gutted just like Tressa. I was so hoping and holding my breath that what I was thinking wasn't going to be true and it broke my heart a little. It was such a turning point for Tressa. It was hard seeing her deal with the fall out. With friendships that were tested. With questioning everything about who she was. With the guilt and sadness that overwhelmed her. It was really just an emotional journey for her.
Overall...Contradictions was an amazingly emotional journey that swept me away and had me fighting back both tears and gigglesnorts as Trent and Tressa figured it all out. The only thing that would have made it even better...getting Trent's POV now and again. Man that boy fascinated me and I would have loved getting a glimpse into his inner thoughts. King is quickly climbing the ranks of my favorite authors and I can't wait to see what she'll come up with next.
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