When you're cute... and you know it. #BabyG
Morning came just a little too early. #sleepy #morning
Such pretty covers. Loving this hockey team! #romance #book
One of my favorite authors. Seriously the best bdsm/erotic reads out there and so full of kinky fun. #romance
And for the challenge. How I read. I always have my custom notebook ready for notes and little post it flags for marking amazing quotes. Usually a kitty or two to snuggle with because #MyCatReadsSmut, too.
The other side of my pillow. #BabyG #mymorningview
Making sure her mama knows she's not alone today. #ComfortAfterLoss
Decided to call this week done and over. Its been a long sad week. Ready to move on. Prep for next week is done and bed before 8. Whew.
The craft store. It got me. *hangs head* #crafts #mypretties
This is.... not what I had in mind when I said I wanted to help you read. - #BabyG #MyCatReadsSmut
Decided to try Bible journaling this year. Spending some time with Mark today. #faith #bible #biblejournaling #tryingnewthings
Kicking off February with some shelfie love!
One of my favorite series! Love me some Kate and Curran. I'm thinking I might do a re-read on audio of them. Anyone else read/listened to the series?
This series was such filthy fun. And so dang unique with the relationship set ups. I'll definitely be re-reading them.
In or out, #BabyG ?
In or out?!
Seriously! In or out?!! In or OUT?
Gladys Joy! In or effing out?!!!!! You are driving me batty!
#DailyBattle #GoingUnderTheBlanketsNotOutTheDoor
*Finally decides in the blankets and snuggles down*
Ohmyword you are just the cutest thing. Look how sweet you are wanting to snuggle. I just love your face.
#EveryDayPeople #SouthernCats #WhenItsCold #YesIHoldTheBlanketsOpenTheWholeTime
Prep for February 2017.
A little late but a favorite sports series and some Sunday socks
Book boyfriend? Pfft. I'm a tart. I have dozens. Lol A little pink & red today.
Some oldies but goodies. Best #bromance for sure.
Anyone else love these guys? Who's your favorite? I'm all about Z.

If you do a photo post on your blog or FB feel free to link yourself in :)

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