This first quote is the heroine and her best friend and fuck buddy who's a little emotionally stunted...
"It must be exhausting, having feelings."
"You know what? It is."
And then a little moment with their client turned third wheel who is sexually stunted. Anywho. I really loved her reply in response to nerves and confidence wavering.
"I'm probably going to be lousy at this," X said.
"I don't care how it is. How quick or awkward or clumsy or any other thing. I only are that it's you and me."
And then because yall know I'm all WOOHOO! over condoms I loved this scene. This is heroine and her best friend are talking with their client who is rather terrified and overwhelmed by the thought of condoms.
"Oh, condoms are fun." Suzy tossed the plastic aside, rubber in hand. "It's been a treat to go without them these past few months, but i like them. Whenever a condom shows up it's like a signal that fun is about to happen."
X managed a smile, liking that logic.
"Anyone who says they can't feel anything with a condom on is either lying or not fucking hard enough," Meyer said, rising back up before Suzy.
Lordy but this was a unique read. So the basic gist is that Suzy and her best friend, Meyer, have an arrangement. A pervy one at that! They...perform live porn for select clients who want to see their kinky filthy fantasies acted out live on screen for them. Yep. They decided to have a little fun with each other for a year to help pay off debt and save up a little extra. And while the sex is fantastic things are maybe getting a little stale. Until a new client sparks their curiosity with their completely vanilla and sweet requests.
OMG. First. The heat. Yall this book was fucking intense and insanely hot. The chemistry between Suzy, Meyer and their client was phenomenal. Like totally make your breath catch and your heart race. It was fantastic. Erotic and filthy. Tender and sweet. It was just. *fans self*
And these three. I loved them. Suzy was bold, sexy, full of heart and tenderness. Meyer a total perv (in a fun way!) and in your face sexy but emotionally closed off. And then Lindsay. Lindsay, their client, stole my heart. A writer that was traumatized by a sexual experience when young and is shy, awkward, inexperienced and just desperate for understanding and touch.
I just. Yall. They were such a unique group and their dynamic so damn interesting. They're all older (30s/40s) and have had such different experiences and walks of life-- from race to profession to sexual experience--but they worked together. It was amazing seeing all of them get something out of their venture into menage.
All in all, Midtown Masters was a thrillingly unique read. While the ending was a little bittersweet for me I loved every page and getting to peek into the lives of three very different individuals and seeing where a little sexual adventure took them.
From the author of Downtown Devil and Crosstown Crush comes the final novel in the trilogy that gets you up close and personal with the thrill of ménage à trois.
Amazon | Goodreads | Cara on HCBS

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