Saturday, February 4, 2017

(kinda) Tasty Delight-- Loaded Lentil Salad

Another HelloFresh meal. And, erm, it wasn't terrible! lol No, actually it wasn't bad at all but if I make it again I'll definitely do some changes.

I was like midway through baking and had to tend the roasting sweet potatoes. I open the oven and was like WHOA! dinner smells shampoo. Ha!

Thankfully it didn't TASTE like dog shampoo. But seriously.

A lotta stuff I like. Sweet potatoes. Onions. Brussels Sprouts. Cheese. Lentils are something I don't eat often but I liked them. Honey-ergs and seasonings (the dog shampoo culprits!)

Yes. See all those lovely little spices and herbs at the bottom?
They smelled like dog shampoo. Not a horrible smell but really dinner? Come on! lol

I don't recall ever making lentils before. They were easier than expected.
Sauted the onions, added the lentils and the veggie stock concentrate then added water and let cook.

Then the brussels sprouts got a bit of a saute real quick.

And then combine! Lentils, brussels sprouts and baked sweet potatoes.

Top with cheese and pepitas (I'd not had those before) and a little dressing and done!

Okay so in the end...not bad. I'd make it again but I'd change up the seasonings on the sweet potatoes and leave out the honey. I really don't like honey and even in such a small amount it was noticeable to me.

I did like all the layers of the meal and it was pretty hearty. So nice for a winter night. So as is... a kinda tasty delight. lol

* button should take you to the recipe on the HelloFresh site.

If you'd like to try HelloFresh out there's 40 off your first box if you use my code :D Just go HERE.

Tasty Delights and Dazzling Disasters is all about playing in the kitchen and having some fun.

I'll share my delights and my disasters. Yall feel free to join in and create your own posts, share your favorite recipes, what have you. If you have a recipe suggestion just let me know!

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