Saturday, January 6, 2018

Don't Take It Personally...I Can't Review Your Book.

Woo! It has been a LONG time since I did a Blogger to Author post. 3 years maybe? Eep! Goodness. But I had something to say so figured I'd do a new post.

I Just Can't Review Your Book. 
It's Nothing Personal.

Sometimes. Honestly, most of the time...I have to say no when I get a request. 

And most likely it has absolutely nothing to do with YOU as an author.

Number of Requests I've Received recently

September: 147
October: 120
November: 138
December (by the 18th): 83

I mean. Yall. It's just NOT possible.
I'd have to be able to read 3-5 full length books per day.
AND review them, promo them, etc.

I know there are hurt feelings out there.
I've seen social media posts by authors who are upset by the lack of responses they've gotten from bloggers. Especially established bloggers. I've had some authors stop being friendly with me after not reviewing every single new release.

But, yall, I don't know if I can say this enough times... It's just NOT possible.

On a GOOD month I can read 20 books.
On a regular month I can read 14-15 books.

Lately? Well, I've read about 11 books a month.

And as a reader I'd like to read some just for fun books now and again, too, ya know?
Not have the pressure of every book being a "review" book.

I could easily say yes and then not get to a book for 4-5 years. Early me did that because I couldn't say no and I'm still dealing with my Blogger Shame pile and trying to clean those up. Established blogger me? I just have to be firm. I accept what I can reasonably read/review and that's it. Even if I have to turn down a favorite author now and again.

So please don't let it hurt your feelings or let it get you down when a blogger says no.
Most of the time it's just a numbers thing and no one purposely trying to be mean or give the cold shoulder. Honestly I don't even have the time to reply to many of the requests I get or that's ALL I'd be doing morning to night.

Blogger to Author is an advice column for authors-- by a blogger --with tips and suggestions about working with bloggers and blogging in general. This is just my opinion, really, but maybe it'll help out. Everyone is welcome to comment and chat on any topic we discuss!

Previous Blogger to Author Discussions

If you have a topic you'd like discussed? Submit it HERE!

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