I wanted to meme. And only had one weekly post to do it. So there's a whole lotta memeage happening in this post. You might have to scroll down a bit to get the one you're looking for. 😸
I've been getting a TON done around the house, though, and doing some couponing during an event that ends today. Here's my final. I bought 259 items. Value of them: $830.70. I paid $55.66 in store. Then got money back from rebate apps and wound up getting PAID 10.23 to bring this home. A good bit is going to be donated. The veggies, vegan/vegetarian and cleaning items will stay put though.
Not much else really. Just house stuff that's keeping me busy and offline a lot this week. I'll be doing catch up visits with everyone this weekend.
For Review
Just the one. And no purchased books either. I went light this week!
Read This Week
Only two! Yikes! I've been reading a TON but this week life was really busy and reading took a backseat it seems. I did enjoy Death Below Stairs, though! The Wedding Band...was a serious struggle. I did NOT like the heroine and there was just a lot of weird writing choices.
Currently Reading
I LOVE this series. This one it's taking me a little while to settle in but I'm not hating it. Yummy cover but so weird since...he's not a cowboy and it doesn't take place in Texas. But, sure. lol
Top Ten: Bookish Resolutions/Goals
Oh, yall. I have big plans for 2018 and my reader-life. So many plans. *rubs hands together* I'm really excited about them, too! So here they are...
Clean up my Edelweiss account--
Blog Ahead-- I'm HUGE on this. It's saved the blog numerous times over the last few years. I'll be hosting 3 of these in 2018...hopefully.
Review as I read. I've got to get better at this. I did a lot of re-reading in 2017 because I thought I finished a rough draft review, opened the file weeks later and, erm, found one sentence. Erms.
Read 30 new authors-- I'm doing the Try Something New challenge!
Put together the bookshelves I've had sitting in boxes for a year now. And reorganize ALL of my books into them.
Start working on the print review consideration books I've received over the last 6 years and...read some of them. Now that my NG is nearly caught up on this is my pile of focus. There are probably 120 on it.
Posting books to Instagram again. I got off doing this when my eyes went bad on me for a few months and I wasn't reading.
Read 150 books
hosted by: Coffee Addicted Writer
Question: Have you ever thought of writing a respectful, but angry letter to an author to ask them WHY they killed off one of your favorite characters in a novel?
A: Nope! Because almost every time it's happened at that point I'm done with that author. I've had a couple who have lost me as a reader because of that. A couple have managed to pull it off but it's rare and usually not a main character but a side one.
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