Because I love Instagram and sharing what we've been up to the last couple weeks...
Woo! I'm catching up! So far this January we've had a lot of snow, a lot of food and a lot of BabyG. It has not sucked. lol
Happy New Year, y'all! G and I are started the year with Katie Lane and a little fun reading! It was chilly here and we just didn't wanna get out of bed. So yummy cowboys it was!
The South forgot how to be the South. BabyG is all why you doin this to me North Carolina? Why you doin this to me?! #2018Motto
She stole my heart nearly 10 years ago.
Snow!!! And it's sticking! I also proved once again that this Floridian will never get used to the snow and without choice I met the ground. All of 12 seconds after spotting the snow. lol #OurFirstSnowof2018
Our fountain kind of froze. lol — in Cary, North Carolina. #FirstSnowof2018
A handful of my favorite 2017 reads. These ladies left me giddy and excited for more. Such great reads and wonderful characters. Pretty petable covers, too. Reviews are up on the blog #wishfulwonderjan18 #booklootjan2018 #30daysdraworletter I was totally excited to find a couple of the blog chapsticks, too. Total winter necessity.
Spending a little time with my best girl.
This is how we read. Not a mamas girl. Nope. Not this one.
Things I am not okay with. lol And yes I know you northeners get colder but that's the north. This is the south. We do not do this. lol
I told her to behave. lol
Done, Human. I'm done. #HowIWokeUp #MyFirstView #SouthernCats
Hair went straight this week. woo! And time for a haircut I'm thinking. It grew so fast!
I got quoted!! Gives me a giddy squee every single time. Woop!
Walmart is all 'Fuck you! I am DONE with winter!' lol
I thought this was so pretty. #winter #beforethesnow
Yum! Eggless 'egg salad' for dinner. So good! Sometimes I just crave eggs even though I don't really use them anymore. So gotta get creative. Found that avocado and white beans makes for a very good substitute.
When your sister steals your bed and no one does anything about it. The plight of #AddiCat
This is what I call the "oh-damn-I-fucked-that-up-right-good-use-ALL-the-washi-to-fix-it" style bujo. lol Ready for the week. Lots of house stuff, blog stuff, mom's birthday and maybe a snow day happening. Oo!
The noms! Israeli couscous with rainbow chard and a balsamic maple glaze.
Did a little something different with my bujo this week and I kinda love it. I'm excited for the week. The snow finally melted (yay!) and I have the USO then the food pantry. Looking forward to checking that out. Plus, you know, books. lol
Yall. I'm laughing so hard. Things did not go as planned with lunch today. lol My regular casserole dish was dirty and I was like ooooOoo I could use my pretty bundt pan and it'll have a neat design! Yeah. No. lol Tasty but no. lol
Noooooope she's not even a little smitten with @jaciburton's heroes. Not even a little. #HeSaidHeLikedCats
My mother, ladies and gentlemen. lol
Omg it was delicious! And thanks to couponing only $3. Not bad when the cheese alone originally cost more than that. lol
Human. I'm not seeing any kittehs in this book. Where's the kittehs, Human? Where's the kittehs?!
Yall this book was so good! A handful of SEALs with PTSD working to make a retreat for military returning home. There was some heartbreaking stuff but some make you cry hilarious moments, too. Including a big bad SEAL having a wee panic over a goat who'd conquered the kitchen table. Cowboy SEAL Homecoming was seriously yummy. If you haven't tried Helm yet you so need to. Her characters are always a delightfully fucked up neurotic mess. It's fab.
Meanwhile BabyG is all The Human won't notice. lol
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