Ha! Okay. So it was most likely a chilly night 7 years ago seeing as it's winter and North Carolina. My mom was visiting for Christmas and we were up waiting for New Years and I was messing around online and was like...I should start a blog!
And so...I did.
It's been quite the ride, too.
3,140 posts as of today. *boggles*
7 years of adventure that have changed me as a blogger and impacted my real life, too.
I've met some of my absolute favorite people in the world because of the blog.
Shared my favorite reads (and those that had me going all ranty anna lol), small triumphs and new endeavors, moments filled with absolute joy and others where my heart absolutely broke. Found delight and comfort in friendships I never would have found if not for herding cats & burning soup.
A silly whim that changed so much.
I am so blessed and thankful for that.

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