The Seldons and Dales have been mortal enemies for centuries, but that hasn't stopped the roguish Crispin, Viscount Dale and the impetuous Lady Henrietta Seldon from waging their own battle … of the heart. Every stray glance, every chance encounter threatens to reveal the secret passion that keeps drawing them together.
But finally after years of flirting with disaster, Crispin and Henrietta find themselves locked in a wine cellar, and now there is no denying the love and loyalties that have lured them and torn them apart time and time again. Will this one last chance, this tempting night of desire be the one that ignites a fire that will never be extinguished, no matter the price?
Type: Historical Romance, Novella
Heat: 3 out of 5
Rating: 3.5 out of 5
Amazon | All Romance | Goodreads
It's been ten years since that first meet and Crispin and Henrietta have managed to get themselves locked in a wine cellar after going in search of a wayward puppy. They've not seen each other for quite a spell and while they wait for someone to discover them their story unfolds in a series of flashbacks to all of their "moments" together over the years as they tried to grab hold of their happily ever after but kept having it slip through their fingers because of meddling families, wars, misunderstandings and marriages. Some were sweet memories, some gigglesnort worthy, and some rather heartbreaking. But in every one the two, despite the circumstances that had kept them apart, just fit back together and felt whole. Like they were meant to be together no matter the bumps and bruises along the way.
I really liked Crispin and Henrietta right from the start. The two, despite their families, just have a spark between them and a way about them that made me smile. They've had such a hard time making their way to each other and damn I so wanted them to finally make it happen. Have You Any Rogues? was a quick read and just what I was looking for on a lazy winter afternoon. The flashbacks were nicely done, the romance pretty believable and it even managed to have a couple rather steamy scenes. Not bad at all for one little novella.He'd come home. Safe and whole.
"I thought you were lost forever," she said quietly.
He shook his head. "Just misplaced for a time," he replied...
**I do think 1.99 was a little pricey for length but it was very nicely written and enjoyable so hard to complain too loudly on that front.
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